Tag: news

  • TJKE: Is the French government silent because it is guilty?

    On January 9, our friends Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Şaylemez were murdered in Paris. All three were courageous Kurdish women who fought for a democratic solution to the Kurdish question, as well as for women’s liberation. Sakine Cansiz was a woman who, as one of the first leaders of the PKK, was determined…

  • Öcalan: It is the government’s turn to make a move

    BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş held a press conference in BDP’s Istanbul office after the visit he paid to Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan together with the parliamentary group deputy chair, Pervin Buldan, on Friday. BDP delegation’s last meting with Öcalan in Imralı prison had taken place on 14 February. Demirtaş quoted the…

  • United Women of East Kurdistan (YJRK) condemns stoning law applicable by the Iranian regime

    In a declaration the United Women of East Kurdistan (YJRK) strongly condemns stoning rules which are still applicable in Iran and the government has not taken a necessary step to repeal the law. The U.W.E.K has declared the stoning rule against women in Iran as a political concept needs to be explained through the internal…

  • Statement by a coalition of 6 Kurdish Human Rights Organizations on the 11th Presidenrial Election of the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Based upon article Twenty-One of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights each individual has the right to take part in the governing of his country, either directly or through a chosen representative in an open and free election. And thus people’s will becomes the foundation of the state. This foundation must be based on legitimate…

  • Final statement of first conference of Middle Eastern Women

    The first conference of women in Middle East announced its final decision. The conference pioneered by Kurdish women launched its meeting on 1st of June with the slogan of “women, life, freedom” under the name of 3 Kurdish female politicians (Sakîne Cansiz, Fîdan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez) who were assassinated at the beginning of this…

  • Intensified military condition in Shino part of Eastern Kurdistan

    Many regions of Eastern Kurdistan are facing an intensive increased in security measures especially at the eve of presidential election. In Shino County some citizens were arrested and authorities refused to deal or reply to families of arrested members. According to Firatnews, since last two weeks several people in Shino and its surrounding villages were…

  • Petition for Ocalan’s freedom on Bashmax borders upset the Iranian government

    On Sunday 02.06.2013, campaigners (collecting signatures for freedom of Abdullah Ocalan and political prisoners in north of Kurdistan) have traveled to the borders of Bashmax (East-South border of Kurdistan). Initially the borders authorities were glad when they saw the campaigners, however, after an hour their behaviours changed, as the campaign gained a momentum. They asked…

  • 1st Middle East Women Conference in Amed / Attendance from 23 Countries

    NORTH KURDISTAN, AMED — The first Middle Eastern Women Conference dedicated to three Kurdish Relolutionary womens Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez who were massacred in Paris will be held in Amed this year. Women from Four parts of Kurdistan and the Middle East to Europe around 250 women from 23 countries politicians, academics…

  • KCK attended the ceremony of ALBA congress

    SÂO PAULO, BRAZIL — In Latin America the Leading Civic Organizations and Revolutionary, the Social Movements of Continental Congress “ALBA” was established. The representatives of Kurdistan’s Communities Union (KCK) also attended the ceremony of this congress. From 16th to 20th of May, the congress of the Rural Movements was held in Florestan Fernandes National School in…

  • UN Experts: Barring women from presidential office in Iran a serious rights violation

    UN, 29 May 2013 – A group of United Nations experts on Wednesday warned that measures preventing women and other citizens from running for presidential office in Iran constitute a serious violation of rights guaranteed by international law. Last week, Iran’s Guardian Council, a 12-member body of theologians and jurists which vets presidential candidates, approved…

  • 13th KNK General Meeting / KNK approved final declaration

    ANF, BRUSSELS — Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) has released the final declaration of the 13th KNK General Meeting which took place in the Belgium capital of Brussels on 25-26 May. The meeting was attended by some 200 delegates, representatives of 35 organizations and parties as well as of 50 institutions and establishments from four part…

  • REPORT / What is happening in Efrîn (Afrin)?

    SEYİT EVRAN, EFRIN — Twenty one battalions and brigades in Syria have released a declaration informing about an agreement between some armed groups attacking the region of Afrin with an aim to weaken the Kurdish resistance here. Some of the groups mentioned in the declaration however released statements denying their involvement in the attack plan…

  • Murdering of Kurdish Kolbers by the Iranian armed forces

    EAST KURDISTAN, — The murdering and injuring Kurdish traders and Kolbers (back-carriers; people who carry goods across the border on their back) is continuing by Iranian regime, based on this a Kurdish citizen murdered and two other citizens wounded by the Iranian regime armed forces. According to the news sources, on Thursday 23.05.2013 a Kurdish citizen…

  • Emine Ayna: new military posts negative sign

    ANF, DERSIM — The “democratic liberation and solution tent” at Seyid Riza Square in Dersim has been visited by BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) Amed (Diyarbakir) deputy Emine Ayna and members of the Women’s Council of Mersin’s Akdeniz Municipality. Speaking at a public meeting in the area, BDP deputy Ayna said that they wanted HPG (People’s…

  • Election masquerade

    ALTERNATIVE, — Even though it is assumed that election atmosphere has not appeared in Iran, one can witness the exciting propaganda campaign along various hot debates in process. Based on past three decades of this government’s ruling of Iran and the shape it has currently assumed, along with the society’s condition one can predict how political…

  • Remove the PKK From the Terror List

    By David L. Phillips, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-l-phillips Director, Program on Peace-building and Rights, Columbia University Institute for the Study of Human Rights Istanbul — President Barack Obama and Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a daunting agenda when they met at the White House last week. The Syria crisis was top of the list. The peace…

  • Clashes between HRK and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards

    Two local hirelings died in clashes between the Eastern Kurdistan Forces (HRK) and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces in Eastern Kurdistan. The statement below was published on the PJAK’s official website. “On the 19th of May 2013, the Iranian revolutionary guards along with the local hirelings initiated a military operation against the guerillas of Eastern…

  • Lawyer of Kurdish political prisoner arrested

    ANF, LONDON — Habibullah Gulperipur who was sentenced to death on charges of being a member of PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan), was transferred from Semnan to Urmiye Prison in Iran last week. According to the report by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, Gulperipur’s lawyer, Mesud Şemsinejad, has been arrested this…

  • The constitution prevents women candidacy for the Iranian presidential election

    TEHRAN, — Women are excluded from the most of their rights in Iran. They were rejected to participate in the presidential election on 24th June 2013. Mohammad Yazdi a member of Iran’s Guardian Council jurists said; the constitution does not allow women to become a president. According to the Mehr news agency, Yazdi said that…

  • Ceremonies held abroad to remember the martyrs of 9 Gulan (9 May)

    In the third anniversary of the martyrs of 9 Gulan (9 May), the Kurds in Europe and Australia paid respect to their souls while remembering them for their struggles. The ceremony was held on 9th May in Stockholm, Oslo and Melbourne (Australia) and on 11th May in Brussels, Helsinki and Manchester.   Stockholm, Sweden –…