1st Middle East Women Conference in Amed / Attendance from 23 Countries

1. Middle East Women's Conference

NORTH KURDISTAN, AMED — The first Middle Eastern Women Conference dedicated to three Kurdish Relolutionary womens Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez who were massacred in Paris will be held in Amed this year. Women from Four parts of Kurdistan and the Middle East to Europe around 250 women from 23 countries politicians, academics and activists will attend the conference. Representatives of political parties, civil society organizations, journalists, academics and representatives of women’s organizations in Turkey will also participating to the .

The First Middle Eastern Women’s Conference presented by DTK Co-Chairman Aysel Tugluk and BDP Co-Chairman Gültan Kışanak and organized by Democratic Free Women’s Movement will be held between 31 May to 2 June in Amed. The conference is dedicated to 3 Kurdish woman murdered in Paris and it will be held under the slogan “Women, Life, Freedom”. The struggle and the issues of women in Middle East will be discussed in the conference.

In the joint statement made by DTK and the BDP Representatives, “The purpose of the conference is to move Women resistance and freedom struggle from local region to the entire region to strengthen democratic women movement, to strengthen the existing organization, re-shaping the region as a woman in the region, to create a common basis for discussion to take part in a new system consist of our rights, our color, and our identity as women, getting to know each other and share our experience and knowledge.

In the conference one session is scheduled for each day. Kurmanji and Sorani dialects of the Kurdish language, Arabic, Turkish and English will be used in the conference. Each participant and delegates who wish to speak will be given the chance to speak.

In the conference Palestinian Women Gerilla Leyla Khalid , women activists from Palestian,member of Egypt Women feminist movement Rabib Elhabi and other activists from Egypt, Representatives of Afghanistan Revolutionary Women Association, as well as women’s from Nepal, Bahrain, India, America, Rojava, Iran, Iraq ,Federal Kurdistan Region, in total participation from 23 countries and regions are expected to participate.


Conference session topics include:

Construction of Social History and Social Sexism based on Women in Middle East
– Women history in Middle East
– Construction of sexism in the Middle East
– The process of colonization and nationalism in the Middle East
– Oppressive systems of power and political Islamic approach to women

Role of Women’s Movements Experience and Recent political changes Middle East
– The role of women in the process of revolution resistance in the Middle East and their quest for freedom
– Political structures during changing process against women rights and women struggle against the structures
– Middle East women’s rights, civil, political expression in public life, participation in decision-making and the issues of representation
– Stoning to death in the Middle East, parenting, , polygamy, circumcision, home confinement, child marriage and other issues
– The neo-liberal policies of capitalist modernity against women
– Common Problems of Women’s Movements Battle in the Middle East and solutions

Women’s geographic and social similarities with
– Common organization models,
– Structural problems (alienation, miscommunication, and so on)
– Building and Strengthening women struggle and solidarity development ties
– Discussing How should a democratic society model based on women can be created