Petition for Ocalan’s freedom on Bashmax borders upset the Iranian government

Bashmax Border

On Sunday 02.06.2013, campaigners (collecting signatures for freedom of Abdullah Ocalan and political prisoners in north of Kurdistan) have traveled to the borders of Bashmax (East-South border of Kurdistan).

Initially the borders authorities were glad when they saw the campaigners, however, after an hour their behaviours changed, as the campaign gained a momentum. They asked the campaigners to stop collecting signatures urging them to leave the borders immediately.

Kemal Sadiq Qadir, one of the organisers said: “We went to Bashmax border to establish a temporary place to collection signatures from Kurdish citizens to help release Abdullah Ocalan and other political prisoners. Within one hour he stated they had collected more than 700 signatures.”

Kemal Sadiq Qadir said that citizens from Eastern Kurdistan supported and were glad to sign the campaign. Many Kurdish people from Meriwan, and other cities of Eastern Kurdistan came to sign the petition.

Kemal Sadiq Qadir also mentioned that the governor of borders supported the campaign and were happy about that project but after one hour they changed their policy. They prevented campaigners from collecting further signatures; it was quite mysterious as to whether why they had suddenly changed their opinion asking campaigners to leave the border immediately.

In fact we should thank the governor because they had initially welcomed the campaign and encouraged the first people to sign the petition. But after one hour it was clear that the governors were fearful of retaliation by the Iranian government and banned any further promotion of the campaign.

Kemal Sadiq Qadir at last criticised the Borders Authority in relation to the collection of signatures in Southern Kurdistan, saying that we were collecting signatures in Southern Kurdistan and this doesn’t have any relation to Iranian government. Also saying they’re influenced by the Iranian government and this isn’t helpful for future relations.


Source: Firat News Agency
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