Tag: news

  • Abdullah Öcalan: This process has three components

    ANF, – A delegation of BDP MPs Pervin Buldan and İdris Baluken and the HDP’s Sırrı Süreyya Önder made their 13th visit to Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan on İmralı island. The message Öcalan gave to the delegation is as follows: “Firstly, I extend my condolences to the families of the two sons of our…

  • East Kurdistan student faces hanging

    ANF, ROJHELAT – Hebibulla Letifi, a Kurdish student from Rojhelat (East Kurdistan), faces the death penalty. Following pleas from the Kurdish people and civil society organisations the death sentence imposed on Hebibulla Letifi was postponed, but according to his lawyer, Salih Nikbext, the death sentence could be implemented at any time, and called on international…

  • KCK: The Kurds are the people who understand best Nelson Mandela’s struggle

    We were deeply saddened to hear about the demise of the great democracy and freedom fighter and the friend of the Kurdish People, Nelson Mandela. We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family, peoples struggling against racism and colonialism, and particularly the people of South Africa. Nelson Mandela will always be remembered, his aspirations and…

  • Shinawe Children a year after the tragedy

    Shinawe Children a year after the tragedy

      ROJHELAT, XANE – A year is spent on fire incident in Shinawe (Shin Abad) School, a village of Xane (Piranshahr) but it has not healed yet the wounds of the Shinawe Children. On Wednesday Dec 5th 2012, 38 children (10-12 years) were fire due to non-standard heating systems and fire heaters of class, consequently…

  • Four Ahwazi Arab political prisoners have been executed

    The Ahwazi human rights defense organization seriously concern over Iran’s crackdown and execution on Ahwazi Arab dissidents Four Ahwazi Arab political prisoners have been executed, according to reports received from these families’ prisoners. Ghazi Abbasi, Abdul-Reza Amir-Khanafereh, Abdul-Amir Mojaddami and Jasim Moghaddam Payam were sentenced to death by Branch 1 of the Ahwaz revolutionary court…

  • Hunger Strike Declared In the Prisons of Iran

    More than 45 political prisoners, especially Kurdish political prisoner in the Iranian prisons due to executions of political prisoner has announced hunger strike. In commemoration of the 40th day of the execution of Hebibulla Gulperipur and Reza Ismaili Mamedi, two Kurdish political prisoners in the prison of Urmiye and Selmas that were executed by the Islamic…

  • Opinion Kurdistan Net called KRG to release the political prisoners

    On November 8 following the execution of three Kurdish political prisoners Hebibulla Gulperipur, Reza Ismaili and Sherko Mearefi a protest was held in Hewler (Erbil) by numbers of political and civil organizations also independent circles. 8 civil and political activists were arrested by Hewler Security Forces (Asayesh) on the charge of stone-throwing to Iranian Embassy…

  • Öcalan‎’s message has been read in the ten thousands BDP Youth’s congress

    The first congress of Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) youth assembly of was held with broad participation of youth from all over Northern Kurdistan, Turkey, and the world in memory of three Kurdish revolutionary women Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Şaylemez whom were assassinated in Paris. In the congress the message of Kurdish national…

  • BDP Youth Congress was held in Amed

    BAKUR, AMED – In Oct 30, the first Congress of Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Youth Assembly was held with a broad participation of youth from all over Northern Kurdistan, Turkey, and the world in the memory of three Kurdish revolutionary women Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Şaylemez whom were assassinated in Paris. Kurdish…

  • HRANA: 1800 prisoners on hunger strike in Iran

    IRAN, HRANA – 6 prisoners of conscientious are on day 25 of their hunger strike while at least 1800 other prisoners of unit two in Ghezelhesar prison, are on their third day of hunger strike. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), since Monday November 25, and after transferring 11 prisoners…

  • Germany: number of executions has skyrocketed in Iran

    German government condemns the increasing number of executions in Iran. The office of the German ‘human rights oversight’ issued an official report strongly condemning the violation of human rights in Iran and saying ‘since the Rouhani presidency in Iran more than 200 people have been executed.’ Based on Markus Loening, the head of the oversight…

  • Solidarity message on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the PKK

    by Peace in Kurdistan Campaign This week, 35 years since the founding of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Peace in Kurdistan Campaign wishes to express its solidarity with those in the struggle for peace and justice in Kurdistan. Since its founding on 27 November 1978 in Kurdistan, the PKK has developed into a powerful and…

  • Continuing killing machine of Iran’s Regime / West remains silent

    HRANA News Agency revealed three prisoners have been hanged on charge of drug trafficking as well as one other on charge of rape in Bandar Abbas central prison in 27 Nov. “The judiciary will punish those who are disturbing the security and order of the society and no excuses are accepted.” Akbari the prosecutor of…

  • Death and detention, reward of the Iran nuclear talks to Kurds

    Seems like it was few days ago (25 Nov) when the Amnesty International highlighted human rights in Iran have remained a low priority despite earlier promises made during the presidential campaign, furthermore Iran’s prisons remain full of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, many of whom suffer from lack of adequate medical care. The Islamic…

  • Aggregation of students against university limitations in Meriwan

    ROJHELAT, MERIWAN – Many of Students of Payame Noor University in Meriwan gathered to complain regarding the obstructions of the University authorities. According to the Political Prisoners defensive Campaign, on 27th Nov the students from the Payame Noor University of Meriwan have gathered in front of the University entrance and complained regarding the limitations they face…

  • The PKK foundation in Sakine Cansız’s words

    Sakine Cansız, a co-founder of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) was killed in Paris, at the Kurdistan Information Office, on 9 January 2013. She was shot dead along with two other Kurdish women and political activists. Fidan Doğan, representative of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) in Paris and Leyla Şaylemez, member of the Kurdish youth…

  • Bigleri asked Iran’s Parliament, elimination of discriminations in Kurdistan

    Bigleri asked Iran’s Parliament, elimination of discriminations in Kurdistan

    Kolbers destiny in Rojhelat (East Kurdistan) Since the Iranian Revolution 1979 one of the areas that have been neglected is Kurdistan. Despite having natural resources and mineral reserves of precious kind, instead of being a gateway for tourism and free trade, it has become a double fear for the militarization of the region by the Iranian…

  • PKK is the source of hope for all Middle Eastern nations

    PKK is the source of hope for all Middle Eastern nations

    Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) is a Kurdish Political Party which was founded on 27th November 1978. The prime goal of the PKK was to represent Kurdish people political, socially and economically. However, because of the structural vagueness of Turkish politics and zero tolerance governments of the time adopted against the PKK’s congress members and Kurds…

  • Bese Hozat: PKK is a social system today

    ANF, BEHDINAN – The Kurdish Liberation Movement made up of a group of Kurdish and Turkish youths, known as pro-Apo (Öcalan) and -national liberation groups till 1978, became a party following the first congress held in the house of the Zoğurlu family, which supported the organization since its formation, in the Fis village of Diyarbakır’s…

  • Hello the Rojava Revolution, Istanbul said

    ANF, ISTANBUL – According to Firat News Agency from Istanbul, tens thousand people are expected to join the rally Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) that is organizing in solidarity with the Rojava revolution in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district today. The rally which will take place under the title “Rojava Revolution is a people’s revolution” will condemn…