Hunger Strike Declared In the Prisons of Iran

Political Prisoner

More than 45 political prisoners, especially Kurdish political prisoner in the Iranian prisons due to executions of political prisoner has announced hunger strike.

In commemoration of the 40th day of the execution of Hebibulla Gulperipur and Reza Ismaili Mamedi, two Kurdish political prisoners in the prison of Urmiye and Selmas that were executed by the Islamic regime of Iran on 25 October this year.

Wednesday 4th of December, at least 45 political prisoners in the prisons of Iran due to the punishment of execution that is put upon the political prisoners by the Iranian Regime, announced hunger strike for a total day. One of the participants of the hunger strike has sent a message to the Human Rights Organization in Iran, he has also stated in the message that most of the political prisoners are Kurdish political prisoners.

At the same time the declaration of the movement by the Kurdish political prisoners in Iran and Rojhalat (East Kurdistan) will be one of the most significant movement of declaration against the execution of the political prisoners in Iran, and especially the prisons of the cities in Kurdistan that in the last month has witnessed the execution of a few Kurdish political prisoners.

By this movement prisoners expressed their disagreement to the execution of political prisoners.

And at the same time declared the political prisoners of Rajaei-Shahr prison in the city of Karaj a message and expressed their support to the hunger strike movement, the message can be read below:


Not for execution in Iran

The political prisoners in the prison of Rajaei-Shahr have launched a hunger strike in order to condemn the executions in Iran. They announced their launch in a publication and requested the abolition of executions in Iran. This is due to the reason that in the recent weeks the number of the executions by radical authorities in Iran and their affiliates and also the judiciary service has increased sharply. The executions of ideological and political prisoners in Kurdistan and Baluchistan have deeply concerned the public, political parties and human right activists. The main reason to be worry about is that the penalties are issued during unfair trails that last only for a few minutes. The executers follow their rule of ‘victory is brought by intimidation and iron fist’ in order to control over the country and protecting the borders of the country; and subsequently they execute political and ideological prisoners.

Due to silence of the Rouhani administration as “Government of Prudence and Hope”, Western powers and ignoring the message of peace and reconciliation to the Iranian people in presidential election in 12 June 2009, unfortunately the Iranian Judiciary still insists on systematic violation of Human Rights which could lead to increased insecurity and violence.

They announced their launch in a publication that is as follows: ‘we as the political prisoners in the Gohardasht Karaj in the prison of Rajaei-Shahr while condemning the recent executions, are launching a hunger strike on Wednesday 4th December which is also in accordance with 40th day of executions of Hebibulla Gulperipur and Reza Ismaili Mamedi.
In order to support the voices of people inside and outside of Iran for the cancellation of execution sentence in Iran, we as political prisoners behind the high prison walls send our massage by a one day symbolic strike demanding abolition of execution. We want our voice taken off the shadow of hatred, vengeance and death from this country and promising a life with freedom and peace.

At the end, we memorise all the people who were executed in Iran and request from all the human right organisations and the UN special reporter Ahmed Shaheed to increase their humanitarian effort in order to abolish the execution sentence in Iran.’


The name of the participants who took part in the hunger strike in one day is written below:

Rajaei-Shahr prison, Karaj

Cefer Eqdami, Naseh Yusifi, Kerim Meruf Eziz, Mohemed Nezeri, Shehram Elyasi, Loqman Moradi, Zanyar Moradi, Simko Xelqeti, Ayet Mehr-Eli Beyglu, Letif Heseni, Efshin Baymani, Shahrox Zemani

Urmiye prison

Behruz Alxani, Osman Mustefapur, Ehmed Temoyi, Yusif Kakememi, Eli Ehmed Suleyman, Mustefa Eli Ehmed, Cehangir Baduzade, Seyid Cemal Mohemedi, Seyid Sami Huseyni, Suleyman Rizi and 10 more prisoners.

Seqiz (Saqqez) prison

Reshid Axkendi, Mustefa Selimi, Diler Ruzgerd, Eli Emini, Mutelib Ehmediyan, Erfan Mecidi, Erdelan Sherifzade, Xerib Sherifzade, Cefer Mustefa, Shoresh Sultani

Qezel Hesar prison, Karaj

Hemdi Ehmedi, Cemshid Dehqani, Cehangir Dehqani, Kemal Molayi, Sediq Mohemed, Seyid Hadi Huseyni

Minab prison

Efshin Sohrabzade, Eli Muradi, Kemal Sherifi, Mohemed Huseyn Rezayi

Kerman prison

Wedat Melazgerd, Hesen Ewhami and one more prisoner.

Kashmar prison

Shakir Baqi

