Tag: news

  • Humanity will never forget him / In memorial of Ehsan Fetahiyan

    Ehsan Fetahiyan 28, born in Kermashan was a Kurdish activist, who was executed on Wednesday, November 11, 2009, in Sine (Sanandaj) Central Prison, after being sentenced to death by the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic. He was arrested on July 20, 2008, in the Kurdish city of Kamyaran by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. Accused of helping…

  • Foreign minister of Iran denied the execution of political prisoners in Iran

    During past days while the Rouhani administration officials decided to remain silent about the execution of Kurdish and Baluch political prisoners, the foreign minister of Rouhani’s government Mohammad Javad Zarif who traveled to Europe for nuclear negotiations, in an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde said no political prisoner has been executed in Iran.…

  • Evindar Renas: PJAK will adhere to its strategy of self-defence

    “PJAK will adhere to its strategy of self-defence”, said Evindar Renas a coordination member of PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan). In an interview with Firat News Agency, PJAK’s senior member analysed the recent changes in the region and made some statements. She stated they follow the changes in the Iranian regime’s behaviour where the…

  • Kurdpur brothers were sentenced to 9.5 years in prison plus exile

    MEHABAD, MUKRIAN NEWS AGENCY – After 250 days without hearing, today Mehabad Revolutionary Court convicted Mesud and Xusrew Kurdpur on charge of propagating and collusion against the national security in 9 Oct 2013. Xusrew Xusrewi one of Kurdpurs lawyers told Mukrian Agency: “Xusrew Kurdpur has been convicted to six years imprisonment with two years exile in…

  • Two Kurdish Kolbers killed by Iranian Revolutionary Guard

    The forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Eastern region of Kurdistan (Rojhelat) are dealing with the residents and their acts in the area like they are colonizing a country. Creating terror and fear especially in the border areas is in their agenda. Again two other Kurdish Kolbers1 were killed by those forces…

  • HRANA: No medical treatment for Zeyneb Celaliyan

    KERMASHAN, HRANA – Authorities of Dizel Abad prison of Kermashan, rejected medical furlough request of Zeyneb Celaliyan (Zeynab Jalalian), who is at the verge of blindness. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), in response to bad physical condition of Zeynab Jalalian, prison authorities promised to send her to medical furlough one…

  • Revolutionary Guards on alert in East Kurdistan

    Security Council of the Kurdistan Province (SCKP) agreed to send troops to cope with the recent uprising in Kurdistan areas during an extraordinary meeting in 5 Nov 2013. In Nov. 5, 2013 Meriwan people staged a protest rally in response to executing three Kurdish prisoners, Hebibulla Gulperipur, Reza Mamedi (Members of Free Life Party of Kurdistan-…

  • Thousands of people protest against Turkey’s wall of shame

    ANF, NISÊBÎN – Thousands of people met Thursday, 7th of November, in Nisêbîn to protest the wall of shame being built by the Turkish government on the Nisêbîn-Qamishlo border. For nine days the mayor of Nisêbîn, Ayşe Gökkan, has been on a hunger strike. She has announced she will stop her protest today. At today’s…

  • Al-Monitor: Turkey’s wall of shame

    AL-MONITOR, – Lutfiye Gokkan with her white headscarf is worried: “I want to sit beside my daughter, but they don’t let me. Soldiers on one side and the police on the other have put her under blockade. They don’t even let us have a look. Neither Hitler nor Nazis or Ottomans did this. It is…

  • Meriwan rose up to protest the political executions on East Kurdistan

    In recent days, waves of hangings carried out in Iran, especially Ahwaz and Rojhelat (East Kurdistan) that recalled Iran 80s executions. At that time, it was considered arbitrary by the Iranian authorities. In Nov. 5, 2013 Meriwan people staged a protest rally in response to executing three Kurdish Political prisoners, Hebibulla Gulperipur, Reza Mamedi and Sherko Mearefi…

  • Thousands gathered in Wan to protest executions in Iran

    ANF, WAN ─ North Kurdistan (Bakur) Thousands gathered in the district of Özalp in Wan Province in order to protest the government of Iran following another execution of a Kurdish political prisoner this morning in Seqiz Prison. Sherko Maarefi, who was thirty-four years old, had been in prison since 2007 when he was sentenced to…

  • HRANA: A Kurdish political prisoner receives death sentence

    HRANA, — The supreme court has confirmed the death sentence of a political Kurd prisoner and he is at the danger of imminent execution. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Mensur Arwend (Mansur Azvand) ’s , the Kurdish political prisoner who is kept in ward 12 of Urmiye central prison,…

  • Another Kurdish political prisoner hanged in Iran

    ANF, – Kurdish political prisoner Sherko Maarefi jailed in the Seqiz prison in East Kurdistan has been hanged early Monday morning. Maarefi was taken from his ward and taken to a cell on Sunday evening before he has been executed this morning. 34 year old Maarefi, from the Bane city, was arrested and sentenced to death on…

  • Amir Karimi: We will respond to Iran’s latest deeds

    STOCKHOLM, – Amir Karimi (Emir Kerimi) coordination member of PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan) warned Iran for the execution of two Kurdish political prisoners stating that they will respond to the Iranian authorities. In a demonstration taking place in Stockholm in protest to the executions of two members of PJAK, Gulperipur and Ismaili, Kerimi…

  • Özgür Gündem: The execution of PJAK members was a message from Islamic Republic of Iran to Turkey

    Huseyin Ali one of the writers of Ozugr Gundem newspaper has written an article related to the recent execution of two Kurdish political prisoners in Iran. While he emphasizing that the reason for these executions is not only domestic issues, he wrote that Hassan Rouhani wanted to transfer the message of enmity with the Kurds…

  • Western powers should not be fooled by the new Iranian president: said Haji Ahmadi

    In an interview with Reuters the General Secretary of Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) Eastern Kurdistan political party said new Iranian president Hassan Rouhani is taking advantage of West’s wary optimism to step up pressure on Iranian citizens, particularly Kurdish people and had evidently increased executions. Former regime’s government brought about a political chaos…

  • Rezan Cawid: fundamental changes in Iran is not possible

    In an interview with Newroz TV Rezan Cawid a member of PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan) assessed the current political circumstances in Iran, strongly condemning the execution of PJAK members Habibullah Golparipour and Reza Ismaili. It seems some changes have been made recently by Hassan Rouhani’s government long before the presidential election in Iran.…

  • HRK: aggressive policies of Islamic Republic of Iran against our nation and party is still continuing

    Following the execution of our comrades Bahoz Sine (Habibullah Gulparipur) and Reza Mamadi by the Islamic Republic of Iran and despite wide public protests of our nation all over the Kurdistan against the oppression and military attacks of Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian regime has increased its attacks against Kurdish nation and our guerillas.…

  • Kurds in Europe condemned execution of PJAK members

    On 28, 29 and 30 of October 2013, Kurdish people in several European countries protested against the execution of two members of PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan) Hebibullah Gulperipur and Reza Ismaili, carried out with mass hanging of Baluch political prisoners. The Kurds in Europe manifested their disgust and protested against the inhumane policies…

  • ANF: New execution approved in Iran

    ANF, ROJHELAT ─ Iranian High Court has approved the death sentence asked for Kurdish political prisoner Mansur Arwend. The Kurdish prisoner is at imminent risk of being executed after the Iranian authorities carried out the execution of two other Kurdish political prisoners on 26 October. Some sources claim that 11 prisoners were hanged in Urmiye…