Tag: news

  • Celebrating International women’s day in Rojhelat despite the prevailing security environment

    Celebrating International women’s day in Rojhelat despite the prevailing security environment

    Despite the heavily militarizing environment of Rojhelat (eastern Kurdistan), Kurdish youth celebrated women’s international day. Youth Movement of Eastern Kurdistan (KCR), associated with PJAK distributed statements in the streets of Meriwan. On 7th March 14 youth declared a statement and greeted this day to the women in all the world and especially women in Rojhelat.…

  • Kurds in Selmas threatened by Iranian regime

    The armed regime soldiers threatened the fellow Kurds in Selmas and searched their houses without permission. According to a report written by the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), in the last month the Iranian military forces in the city of Selmas and the villages close to it searched the houses of fellow Kurds with the…

  • Open letter of political refugees of Rojhelat Kurds in Turkey to UNHCR

    27 political asylum seekers of Kurds from Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) who are waiting transfer to a third country in Turkey and northern Kurdistan, with the publication of an open letter from the alleged have criticized “discrimination and inattention to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), also they have requested assistance from the human rights…

  • Recent condition of the kurdish political prisoners sentenced to death in Iran

    Recent condition of the kurdish political prisoners sentenced to death in Iran

    According to the report from Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Seyed Sami Hoseyni and Cemal Mohemmedi, two Kurdish political prisoners in central prison of Urmiye have been sentenced to death penalty and 10 years in prison on charge of killing a member of the Revolutionary Guards (Sepah) by the Urmiye Criminal Court. The Criminal…

  • Simko Xelqeti is transferred to Evin prison

    These days, though Western powers are optimistic towards the Iranian nuclear programme, Iranian human rights situation not only has changed over the presidency of Ahmadinejad, but has doubled the number of executions and detentions according to international human rights groups. Simko Xelqeti the Kurdish political prisoner has been transferred from Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj to the…

  • Iran hands over a political prisoner to Turkey

    A political prisoner was handed over to Turkey after spending 7 years in the Iranian prison. Evin Mewlud Shexo is a female political prisoner that spent 7 years in the Iranian prison. Evin was arrested on the charges of working with the PJAK and was sentenced to 7 years detention; after spending 7 years in…

  • Abdullah Öcalan: Our revolution is a women revolution

    Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan has issued a message for 8 March International Women’s Day. In his message Öcalan said: “nothing has affected me, both with sorrow and anger, and elation and enthusiasm, as much as the story of women’s slavery and freedom.” Öcalan emphasised that: “Women must take their own decisions. They must have…

  • Female guerrillas celebrate 8 March

    ANF — BEHDINAN, Female guerrillas in Media Defense Areas came together for the celebrations to mark the 8 March International Women’s Day. The celebration was attended by hundreds of female guerrillas including KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Council of Presidency member Zaxo Zagros, Kurdish Women’s Movement (KJB-Koma Jinen Blind) Coordination members Roza Pınar and Jiyan Şitka,…

  • Report of February about human rights violation in Iran

    According to reports, more than 100 people have been executed; seven of them publicly. This month, detention of political activists has continued, at least 8 Kolbers have died.   Kolbers On the 12th of February, Mustefa Ebdal-Beg from Bemzorte (Shino areas) had his leg amputated and lost one of his eyes due to a land…

  • The world’s largest open-air prison of the Islamic republic regime

    Since the Islamic Republic Regime’s rise to power, the mullah nasty regime has enforced ethnocide policies against Ahwazi Arab nation and other non-Persian nations. In fact, the threat of forced displacement, deportation, expulsion and execution against Ahwazi Arab, Kurds, Turks, Baluchs and Turkmen was permanent. More than eight million Ahwazi Arab are denied equal rights…

  • A Kurdish female student was murdered in Urmiye

    The dead body of a Kurdish student was found in her university accommodation at the University of Urmiye. According to report from Urmiye the body of dead student was found at the Nazlu accommodation on 1st of March. Sheyda Hatemi was a master student of agriculture and geology and was from the village of Nowe…

  • Problems remain there, US say about Iran’s human rights conditions

    While the West is engaged in negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, situation of human rights in Iran becomes more alarming by the day. Mismanagement, clashes between government wings over power and economic sanctions has resulted in reduced levels of life expectancy in Iran. Even as they make gestures toward rapprochement with the West,…

  • Iranian regime repression against civil activists and restriction on internet access in Rojhelat

    Further restriction on access to the Internet in Meriwan Recently, the Iranian regime prevents users from using the Internet by blocking internet access in Rojhelat (East Kurdistan). With different methods the Iranian regime tries to prevent mass awareness and inform the public, particularly with overseas in order to achieve its political goals. According to local…

  • Critical condition of two lakes in Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan)

    Critical condition of two lakes in Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan)

    Zrêbar Lake of Meriwan as greatest sweet water lake of the world has improper situation and needs serious attentions but the relevant agencies of Iranian regime do not pay attention to this ecological matter. Urmiye Lake’s condition also became critical and despite of regime claims for its revival, until now no serious action has taken…

  • Inhumane Activities by Basij and Counter-Guerrilla Forces

    Continuous activities by counter-guerrilla groups in attempt to deceive civilians Mercenary forces and groups which are part of Irans security and intelligence services continue their attempt to defame the freedom movement of Kurds. A branch of Iranian security forces harass people in Meriwan (Marivan) under the name of the PJAK. According to Firat News Agency, it’s…

  • Saving lives of Zanyar and Loqman Moradi

      According to Campaign in Defense of Civil and Political Prisoners, the Kurdish Political Prison Loqman Moradi was transferred to Imam Khomeini Hospital due to severe injuries and bleeding in the urine because of beating by prison officials of Rajaei-Shahr Prison on Monady 23 Feb 2014. His cellmates say “yesterday prison officials were asked Loqman to…

  • The Kurdish Journalist Adnan Hassanpour was exiled to Zabol Prison

    Monday 17 Feb, Adnan Hassanpour the Kurdish imprisoned journalist transferred from Meriwan prison to Zabol prison on Sistan and Baluchestan province (southeastern Iran). According to the Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Adnan Hassanpour had transferred from the Central Prison of Sine (Sanandaj) to Meriwan prison on Thursday 23 January 2014. The transfer of this journalist is…

  • Rojava: Kurdish revolution in Syria

    Rojava is the Western (Syrian) part of Kurdistan with a population of three million. Despite its relatively small size in terms of area and population, Rojava is today under attack by the reactionary and colonial forces in the Middle East. Embargoes are imposed and neighbouring countries try to isolate Rojava by closing borders. Puppet gangs…

  • Iranian regime press on Kurdish Kolbers in Rojhelat

    The pressure of Iranian border troops against Kurdish Kolbers remains in Rojhelat, and tradespeople are threatened with their lives by regime snipers. In this regard, 80 Kurdish tradespeople were arrested in Bane and their goods were confiscated by the Iranian Police Force (NAJA). Mehr News Agency reported to the Chief of Bane Police. According to…

  • International Mother Language Day in Kurdistan

    ANF, NEWS DESK — Today is International Mother Language Day. This day is observed every year to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. It was created by UNESCO (the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organisation) in order to promote the dissemination of mother tongues and a fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions…