Iranian regime press on Kurdish Kolbers in Rojhelat

Kolbers and Winter

The pressure of Iranian border troops against Kurdish Kolbers remains in Rojhelat, and tradespeople are threatened with their lives by regime snipers.

In this regard, 80 Kurdish tradespeople were arrested in Bane and their goods were confiscated by the Iranian Police Force (NAJA). Mehr News Agency reported to the Chief of Bane Police.

According to the report, the value of the goods seized from the Kolbers estimated at around 600 million Toman, also many tradesmen were arrested in Sewlava.


A Kolber was killed on the Chalderan borders

Furthermore on Friday, Sepah troops opened fire towards a number of Kolbers around the Nawer border in Chalderan. One by the name of Selahedin Bruki, was killed and the others wounded. Selahedin has a two-year old child and he was forced to carry out goods on his back across borders to get money for his family.

It is noteworthy that the Iranian forces had confiscated 15 horses with its goods belonging to the Kolbers in the Dollan mountain range (Beytosh-e Alan).


A tradesman wounded in Bane

A Kurdish tradesman at the Shabeddin border of Bane was shot by Iranian agents and injured seriously.

According to the Firat News Agency, Iranian security forces on Sunday 16 February at the Shabeddin border of Bane shot a car belongs to Celal Mam Qale Emcedi (Kurdish tradespeople) and wounded him severely.

It is reported that Iranian forces have shot him in the pretext of carrying contraband, But later learned that his car was unloaded and he did not carry any commodity.


There is a very high unemployment in Kurdistan as Kurds are not allowed to open their own factories. Lack of government investment and mismanagement in the development of these areas has created the Kolberi phenomenon.

This hard life for thousands of Kurds owes in part to the lack of investment by the government in the Kurdish areas, which some argue is politically motivated.

Earlier Mr Beyglari MP for Seqqiz and Bane cities had criticized the new government policies in connection with Kurdish areas. “Government should take immediate steps toward the formalization of border markets, cleaning land-mines in Kurdistan also the use of the local laborers for construction and economic development to avoid turning the people into Kolberi”.

In the last report, UN Special reporter on Iran Ahmed Shaheed highlighted the “indiscriminate killings of Kolbers in violation of the domestic laws and international obligations of Iran.”

Despite the inevitability of Kolbers to do this dangerous job Iranian official calls these people smugglers. They will use any excuse to slaughter civilians in Kurdistan for implementing its policies but human rights groups have taken no pressure on Iranian government.