The Kurdish Journalist Adnan Hassanpour was exiled to Zabol Prison

Ednan Hesenpur

Monday 17 Feb, Adnan Hassanpour the Kurdish imprisoned journalist transferred from Meriwan prison to Zabol prison on Sistan and Baluchestan province (southeastern Iran).

According to the Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Adnan Hassanpour had transferred from the Central Prison of Sine (Sanandaj) to Meriwan prison on Thursday 23 January 2014.

The transfer of this journalist is accomplished while the Iranian judicial regime has refused him of dismissal. They were denied him to meeting with his family and also the medical treatment outside of the prison.

On 25 January 2007 Adnan Hassanpour was arrested and after enduring several months of solitary confinement in Sine Intelligence Detention Centre, he was tried closed at Revolutionary Court in Meriwan on 12 June 2007.

After being held for four months in detention, the Revolutionary Court prosecutors sentenced Adnan Hassanpour in April 2007 by acting against national security called Moharebeh which is punishable by death under Iran’s Islamic Penal Code.

The verdict was announced to one of his lawyers on 17 July 2007. After a three month of this sentence, his verdict was approved by Branch 32 of the Iranian Supreme Court.

An informed source in the case of imprisoned journalists about his exile told the Campaign: However, Adnan Hassanpour was sentenced to prison in Sine also every kind intensified punishment requires retrial attended by the lawyer and defendant. According to Iranian regime Penal Code, there is no prison sentence in exile and the sentence is illegal.

It’s notable after confirming Hassanpour’s death sentence, his lawyers, Saleh Nikbakht and Sirwan Houshmandi has requested restitution hearing turned the case back to the Supreme Court. Finally his sentence was nullified by other branch of the Supreme Court.

After the announcement of the court’s lack of jurisdiction also previous judge via lawyers, Adnan Hassanpour was tried in a closed by Revolutionary Court of Sine in two times.

Adnan Hassanpour was sentenced to 31 years imprisonment but the sentence was reduced to 16 years by protesting lawyers in Court of Appeal.

Although in the last 4 month some of the political prisoners were released from prison once Rouhani came to power, the Kurdish political prisoners were excluded from the amnesty. Contrary to Mr Rouhani’s election campaign slogans discriminatory policies still systematically implemented by his government and since his government came to power dozens of Kurds has been arrested.

Hassanpour is the former editor of the journal ASO, which was banned in August, 2005. Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International have spoken out on behalf of Hassanpour.

International circles of human rights are concerned about the new wave of arrest of political activists and journalists in Iran and Rojhelat (East Kurdistan).