Tag: news

  • Revoking Kurdish Satellite TV Channels Licence by Danish Court is policy based decision and unacceptable

    The decision delivered by the Danish Appeal Court on 3rd of July is a policy based decision aimed to silence a democratic voice of a nation that has been oppressed by regional and international actors for over a century.   At the time where the reconciliation process is ongoing, such a political decision will not…

  • Iranian state terror on the border areas

    NEWSDESK, — Iranian state terror and massacre of defenseless people on the border areas of Kurdistan is a topic of daily routine recurring from Maku and Urmiye until Kirmashan and Ilam under the excuse of fighting the smuggling goods. Massacre of the poorest and most deprived people of Kurdish society by the state forces is a disaster…

  • Lift the ban on the PKK – Freedom and Justice for the Kurds

    New Appeal – add your name to the list of supporters! To the UK government, the European Union and the Turkish Government The case for the delisting of the PKK is now quite overwhelming. We believe that the time is now right for all parties to consider this move in order to give an additional boost…

  • Iraq/Jordan/Turkey: Syrians Blocked from Fleeing War

    (Hatay) – Iraqi, Jordanian, and Turkish border guards are pushing back tens of thousands of people trying to flee Syria. Iraq, Jordan, and Turkey have either closed numerous border crossings entirely or allowed only limited numbers of Syrians to cross, leaving tens of thousands stranded in dangerous conditions in Syria’s conflict-ridden border regions. Only Lebanon…

  • Five Kurdish youths executed in Iran

    Iranian regime has executed five Kurdish youths jailed in a prison Urmiye, a province in eastern Kurdistan, late Wednesday. Two of the five youths executed were reportedly siblings. The bodies of the five have been delivered to their families since last night. The youths who were executed for allegedly being involved in smuggling activities were…

  • Turkey ordered to pay compensation for killed Kurds

    STRASBOURG, France: Europe’s rights court on Tuesday ordered Turkey to pay 325,000 euros ($423,000) in compensation to the parents of five youths, including a 13-year-old girl, killed by the army who claimed they were armed Kurdish rebels. The youths were killed in January 2005 in the country’s southeast by Turkish soldiers who claimed they were…

  • Three Kurdish satellite channels’ broadcasting license revoked

    The ROJ TV trial in Denmark resumed at Copenhagen Municipal Court on Wednesday. The Court revoked the license of all satellite channels of Mesopotamia Broadcasting, including MMC, NUCE TV and ROJ TV. Three Kurdish channels were also punished by a pecuniary penalty of five million DKR. Speaking about the court’s decision, journalist Amed Dicle said…

  • Amed conference for Democracy and Peace, final resolutions

    The Amed (Diyarbakir) Conference for Democracy and Peace, one of four being held across Kurdistan and the diaspora, took place 15-16 June 2013. The conferences are being organised as part of the ongoing peace process.   Northern Kurdistan Unity and Solution Conference Final Declaration Our Conference, in which representatives of various political, ethnic and religious…

  • Ankara conference for Democracy and Peace, final resolution

    The Ankara Conference for Democracy and Peace, one of four being held across Kurdistan and the diaspora, took place 25-26 May 2013. The conferences are being organised as part of the ongoing peace process. Final Resolution – Conference for Democracy and Peace, 27.5.2013 The final resolution of the Conference for Democracy and Peace, which took…

  • Öcalan: Solution process cannot advance with one-sided steps

    Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan’s brother Mehmet Öcalan spoke to DİHA (Dicle News Agency) about the details of the meeting he had with his brother in İmralı prison yesterday. His brother said the Kurdish leader said the government must take urgent steps for the democratic solution process which -he reportedly said- cannot advance with one-sided steps.…

  • Iran awaits ‘Kurdish Spring’

    Erbil, Iraq – Armanj Berxwedan fidgets anxiously in a plastic chair at the centre of a rebel camp in Iraq’s Qandil Mountains. A Kalashnikov rifle leans on the tent that doubles as the camp’s library and dining hall. The pimply faced, 18-year-old guerrilla from Iran is a member of the Free Life Party of Kurdistan…

  • Iranian regime arrested someone with accusation of PJAK membership

    The Islamic Republic of Iran regime arrested a Kurdish citizen accused of membership in a Kurdish political party in Selmas.   In this regard the HRANA website mentioned that a Kurdish citizen with the name of “Hadi Qizilbash”, 36 years old and resident of “Hasanawa” district of Selmas has been arrested with accusation of PJAK…

  • Cemil Bayik: All Kurds should feel responsibility about Western Kurdistan

    Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council member Cemil Bayik wrote in his latest article published in Azadiya Welat about the unity of Kurds, the obstacles to it and the Kurdish uprising Western Kurdistan.   Cemil Bayik said: “the occupiers [of Kurdistan] have used the division of Kurds in their favor” and added: “it was the…

  • Iranian Security Forces Killed and Injured Four Kurdish Kolbers

    A Kurdish Kolber, from Kani Miran village, shot and injured around the city of Meriwan by Iranian security forces. Also, in the city of Piranshar Iranian security forces massacred horses of Kurdish Kolbars, and burned their goods.   According to the local sources, on June 20, Meriwan Kamran, a Kurdish kolber, (people who carry goods…

  • Murat Karayilan: Invitation of Kurds to Geneva Conference II is a Diplomatic Victory

    In an interview with Firat News Agency on June 20, Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council President Murat Karayılan discussed the situation and recent developments in western Kurdistan and the Kurdish delegation’s visit to Russia and the results of their visits.   KCK President Murat Karayılan said: “that the results of visit of delegation of…

  • PJAK: Iranian people’s message, demand of instant “change”

    Public Statement:  We as the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) Prior to the presidential election through a specific process and on the bases of the Kurdish people’s demands, have made a public statement asked the candidates and governmental institution to precisely clarify their intended solution to the Kurdish issue in Iran. Since neither the…

  • Northern Kurdistan Conference: Öcalan’s freedom a must for a solution

    The two day Northern Kurdistan Conference for Solution and Unity in the main Kurdish city Amed has ended on June 16. The conference was organized as a part of the four conferences Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan suggested should take place in the ongoing process in search of a peaceful and democratic solution to the Kurdish…

  • Iran’s presidential election not welcomed in East Kurdistan

    The Iranian eleventh presidential election was held on Friday 14th of June after several months of hot political advertisements by the nominated candidates. After the rigged presidential election of 2009, the Islamic Republic of Iran was faced with difficult situations. According to the opposition analyses, the opponents of the Islamic Republic were facing policies problems…

  • The May 2013 report by The Kurdish Human Rights Association in Europe

      The Kurdish Human Rights Association in Europe named May, the month of killing of Kurdish Kolbar and hanging prisoners by Islamic Republic of Iran. According to The Kurdish Human Rights Association in Europe, at least twenty-three people have been hanged and 6 Kurdish Kolbar were shot died by the Iranian security forces in Kurdish…

  • Mehdi Rehmani the follower of Yarsan religion detained

    Mehdi Rehmani the follower of Yarsan religion was detained after he filmed the self-immolation of one of his coreligionist in front of gubernatorial in Hemedan. Mehdi Rehmani the follower of Yarsan religion (Ahle Haq) who filmed the act of self-immolation of “Nikmard Tahiri” in front of gubernatorial of Hemedan in protest to the contempt to…