PJAK: Iranian people’s message, demand of instant “change”


Public Statement: 

We as the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) Prior to the presidential election through a specific process and on the bases of the Kurdish people’s demands, have made a public statement asked the candidates and governmental institution to precisely clarify their intended solution to the Kurdish issue in Iran. Since neither the candidates nor the State institutions responded to our democratic demands, we as (PJAK) through a formal statement have boycotted the regime’s eleventh presidential election.  On the other hand, the presidential boycott did not oppose the desire of the Kurdish people in rural and urban districts of Eastern Kurdistan to take part in the village and towns council election. Rather the people of Eastern Kurdistan their participation in the local Council election was subject to their discretion and self-desire.

It is worth noting that those Iranians who have pursued the boycott as a mean of protesting and those who casted their votes, indeed, delivered a common message to the regime’s officials which was identical in its context and content. The common message of boycotters and participants was a demand of instant “change” socially, politically and economically and also they explicitly rejected regime’s previous social, economic and political policies through boycotting and participation.

What matters is not the person’s name or the name of the faction that has been elected as next president, rather the strategic importance of the election depends on the new policies which will be adopted by the elected president in Iranian politics.

The Islamic regime is attempting to demonstrate that the result of the recent presidential election in Iran shows regime’s legitimacy and approval by the Iranian people. However, indeed, the results of the election demonstrate contrary to what the regime is attempting to introduce to the world and public opinion worldwide. In reality, because of the lack of better option, the Iranian people elected the elect president, in other words, the Iranian people had given the regime its final opportunity to make comprehensive changes in all the fields.

In fact, through a bulk and apparent reformation, it is highly unlikely to be able to tackle and resolve the key and acute issues, and such apparent reformation is not what the Iranian people are demanding from the government. Therefore, what matters more than anything else in this particular era is that the new government must take all the issues seriously and realistically and immediate action to be taken with the aim of making fundamental changes and finding a foundational solution to the issues, which the Iranian people are suffering from. Only in this way it could be claimed that the regime’s official and the newly arranged government has received and understood the people’s message and a demand of comprehensive changes.

Even though the elected Iranian president through his slogans and broad views is attempting to differentiate himself from the previous presidents and governments, his initial statements indicated that the elected president has no coherent and comprehensive plan to tackle the key social, political and economic issues.

Indeed, the prominent aspect of elected president’s speech and statements were concerned the future issues and have tried to generalize the issues, instead of focusing on current key issues. Therefore, up to now, we have not seen a clear and practicable plan to tackle the issues from the elected president. The elected president’s position is conflicting with the message delivered by the Iranian people through their boycotts and participation.

The regional political development and the people urgent need to move forward and find a solution to their issue, compels the elected president to provide publicly and precisely his plans and programs. The initial and prime issue that is facing the new administration is the question of Iranian ethnicities and cultural diversity, particularly the Kurdish question in Iran. Categorization of the issues relating to the ethnic minorities and diverse identity of the Iranian’s as prime issues will contribute to the normalization of some aspects and it is also vital to be taking seriously by the elected president. Undoubtedly, as far as the government fails to provide a concrete solution to the ethnic minorities’ issue, it cannot also succeed in its foreign policies and plans. The new administration’s approach toward the ethnic minorities’ question, particularly Kurdish question, shows to what extent the regime has responded to the people’s demand of change and taken their demands seriously. The approach which will be taken by the new administration toward the Kurdish issue, determines the new administration’s commitment to the change.

We (PJAK) up to the time the Kurds achieve their legitimate and legal rights and promotion of democracy and freedom in Iran, determined to continue our comprehensive struggle, and we also follow and review the new administration’s policies on regular basis.


Coordination Committee of Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK)

20 June 2013.

