Cemil Bayik: All Kurds should feel responsibility about Western Kurdistan

Cemil Bayik

Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council member Cemil Bayik wrote in his latest article published in Azadiya Welat about the unity of Kurds, the obstacles to it and the Kurdish uprising Western Kurdistan.


Cemil Bayik said: “the occupiers [of Kurdistan] have used the division of Kurds in their favor” and added: “it was the main reason in failure to achieve freedom. He noted that with a look to the history we can see that some Kurdish forces committed murders against other Kurdish parties and organizations.”


Bayik writes: “the Kurdish liberation movement and its correct policy have united the Kurds in an acceptable level. If this unity continues, and the decisions of Amed Conference would be implemented, of course, the obstacles for freedom of Kurds will be removed.”


Bayik continues: “The government of Turkey and AKP assumed that some Kurds support them, that are why they insisted in not solving the Kurdish problem, but the unity of Kurds in Amed Conference, will break this position of Turkish government.”


The KCK executive member says: “Turkish government was right to be afraid, because the Kurds build their foundations for unity. That is founded on the unity of Kurdish society.”


“From now it is difficult for Turkish government to eschew solving the Kurdish problem. The only main problem is implementation of decisions of the Conference without any interruption, and then we will see that the unity is possible.”


Noting on the effects of Amed´s Conference to other parts of Kurdistan, KCK executive member said: “one part of Kurdistan cannot be indifferent about the liberation of other parts of Kurdistan.”


Bayik in another part of his article assessed the Kurdish uprising in Western Kurdistan and said all parts of Kurdistan should feel responsibility about western Kurdistan. He added: “the position of Kurds about western Kurdistan is a test about the amount of our patriotism for our homeland Kurdistan.”


He said: “the revolution of Western Kurdistan have effect on all parts of Kurdistan, because Western Kurdistan have longest borders with Northern Kurdistan, even so this part is the smallest part of Kurdistan and that is why Turkey is enemy of Western Kurdistan.”