Iranian state terror on the border areas


NEWSDESK, — Iranian state terror and massacre of defenseless people on the border areas of Kurdistan is a topic of daily routine recurring from Maku and Urmiye until Kirmashan and Ilam under the excuse of fighting the smuggling goods.

Massacre of the poorest and most deprived people of Kurdish society by the state forces is a disaster that even the Iranian human rights assemblies prefer not too much reflect on. In the latest incident, reports indicate the death of four and wounding of few more in Kirmashan province.

According to news sources, last Wednesday a Kurdish kolber named “Nazdar Moradi” from the “Hancir Busi” district of “Salas Bawecani” has become the target of security forces on the border point of “Bayingan” and lost her life.

After this incident two brothers of this kolber and another citizen went to the military base in order to follow-up the incident but the security forces opened fire on them. As a result of these shooting one of them named “Osman” lost his life and two brothers of “Nazdar” named “Rizgar and Celal Muradi” were wounded.

According to the reports until now the dead bodies have not been returned to their families and the situation of one of the wounded is reported as critical.

While hundreds of kolbers and traders continue this risky work in order to make the living for their families, they are the daily victims of the Iranian state terror, but this incident is one of the rare cases that undoubtedly indicates the savagery rule and inhumane behaviors of the Iranian security forces; something that well demonstrate the official viewpoints of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Brutal massacre of Kurdish kolbers and traders has been condemned several times by different human rights organizations. Ahmad Shahid the special Rapporteur of UN on the human rights situation in Iran, in his report last year, condemned severely these actions of Iran security forces.