HDP: Newroz to be celebrated with the slogan “We’ll definitely win”

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) announce the program of Newroz.

The newroz celebration will take place in 35 places between March 17 and 21 with the slogan “We’ll definitely win“. The celebration will start in Nisêbîn on March 17 and finalize in Amed and Wan on March 21.

This year’s Newroz program is as follows:

On March 17, Friday: Nisêbîn

On March 18, Saturday: Izmir, Bursa, Adana, Dersîm, Antep, Mêrdîn, Meletî, Çewlîg, Bezîd (Doğubayazıt), Manisa, Kocaeli, Sêrt.

On March 19, Sunday: Istanbul, Mersin, Antalya, Riha (Urfa), Gever, Êlih (Batman), Konya, Karakoçan, Qers, Hatay, Qoser.

On March 20 Monday: Mûş, Cizîr, Semsûr, Îdir, Bidlîs, Colemêrg, Agirî.

On March 21, Tuesday: Amed and Wan.


Source: Gazete Şûjin