35th aniverrsary of 24 days resistance of Sine

Resistance of Sine

On the 18th April 1980, army and Iranian guard were firing and bombing all over the people in Sine ‘Sanandaj city’ and its areas and villages from everywhere. As a result of this raid, this continued with the suppression of the revolution in 1978 and caussed murdering and injuring of thousand people.

On august 1979 while Khomeini commanded to attack Kurdistan and then send off Khalkhali who executed hundreds of people, the Islamic republic of Iran could properly control all Kurdistan cities and finally eastern Kurdistan Peshmerga and people durability could again take control of all cities.

After the failure of the first attack, the Iranian government tried to augment the army and military forces to get prepared for the last attack.

Suppress the procurement begun by attacking Ghasemlou Valley in Urmiye functions. This attack was the beginning of the attack to Kurdistan.

Abolhassan Banisadr the president at that time and also commander in chief with getting Khomeini permission, in his speech in Tehran Azadi square on the 1st April 1980 ordered this attack and simultaneously to this, in Kurdistan, army activity started and finally with the excuse of protecting borders on the 18th April the same year Iranian military attacked Sine city.

The government on the 18th April by sending an army and military force from Urmiye, Qazwin, Kirmanshan city beside helicopters support broke the rules of the all negotiations and cease fire and blockaded Sine city.

On the 20th April corps number 28 during an announcement warned the Sine residents in around of the officers’ club and radio and television to leave the region. A few hours after that warning, involvement started from four parts of the city where casern, radio, television and officers’ club were. Since that day, powerful attack was started with mortar, bombard and racked over the city.

On the 20th April, the military helicopters started to war games and manoeuvres just to make fear. At one clock morning military phantoms were making sonic wall and from 5 clock morning this was orderly repeated every 10 minutes. The military helicopters were bombarding the city and also mortars were rescued from casern all over the peoples’ housing in Sanandaj. This attack heavily continued for about 24 days and the city was economically blockaded. All city places such as hospitals, mosques, schools were destroyed and over a thousand people were killed and thousands injured.

On the 12th may, finally, after 24 days of unfairly war, the political forces pulled out their armed forces from the city just to stop the government killing people.

During all this time, in the all other Kurdistan cities such as Saqez, Baneh, Aurmiyeh, Mariwan, Sardasht, Shino, Miyandoab, Naghadeh, Diwandareh, Bookan, and many other cities warfare continued and revolutionary forces defeated against regime attacks. This continued till the beginning of the Iraq war and continued after that also. But the regime never stopped bestiality and ferocity in Kurdistan.

