YJRK called on women for unity

YJRK / 25 November

ROJHELAT, – On the anniversary of assassination of three Mirabal sisters in Dominican Republic 1960, the United Nations General Assembly designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to raise awareness of the fact that women around the world are subject to rape, domestic violence and other forms of violence.

On this occasion, the East Kurdistan Woman’s Union (YJRK) expresses its congratulations to all women around the world. 35 years ruling of Iran by the Islamic Republic not only did not bring about any change in the conditions of women; on the contrary, it has worsened it to a dangerous level.

Since the coming to power of Hassan Rouhani the new president of Iran arrests, executions and torture of women and the youth, Kurdish, Persian, Arab, Azeri and Baluchi have increased markedly. Health condition of political prisoners such as Zeyneb Celaliyan, Mahdiye Golrou and Bahare Hedayet who are in jeopardy reflects the typical policy of the regime against women.

YJRK condemns the continuance of policies of mobilizing women as spies under the name (Basij-e khaharan). We called all on the Iranian women specially the Kurds to enhance their ideological and historical struggles against anti-women approaches in Iran.

The East Kurdistan Woman’s Union (YJRK) is the female wing of Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) which is active in all aspect of cultural, civil, legal and social domains in Iran and East Kurdistan (Rojhelat) to democratise the state while fighting against the patriarchal and authoritarian mentalities.

