A thousand Basiji centres in Sine for assimilating Kurds


ROJHELAT, SINE – In East Kurdistan (Rojhelat) the Iranian regime has established plenty of Basiji centres which through that centres they have attempted to assimilating Kurds, especially the youth and students.

In an interview with media reporters Sardar Mohammad Rajabi the head of Beit ol-Moqaddas guards in Sine said that, thousands of Basiji centres are opened and working in Sine and 430 thousand of Kurdish people have become Basiji.

Thar-Allah is one of the branches of Basiji in Iran which systematically dealing with Kurdish people especially youth in Rojhelat to make people to be what they want to be and do not let them to learn about Kurdish history and culture through demagogic and deception to control Kurds easily. This Basij campaign has entered all schools and homes under the pretext of training and education.

Rajabi said that Basij is unparalleled organisation and it is one of the most valuable and important organisation in Iran that their duty is to support and achieve the Iranian regime’s aspirations and security in Iran.

The Iranian regime has said that Basij must serve the Iranian regime’s goals and work on cultural side. But in fact, the main duty of Basiji is being against Kurdish culture in Rojhelat.

In that time a year is a Basiji week in Iran and Every year because of that excuse in this week they have huge programmes in all schools, offices, villages and towns to attract young people and bring them into the assimilation machine for assimilating them.

The Iranian regime postponed all the opening centres and projects because they wanted to open them in Basiji week to pretend that the welfare and prosperity in that area are achieving by Basiji. What is more, they have several different programmes each year which cost millions dollars in each city. Also tens Basiji centres are opened every time that is attacking plan against cultures through youth as a target.

Basij “The Organization for Mobilization of the Oppressed” is a paramilitary volunteer militia established in 1979 by order of the Islamic Revolution’s leader Ayatollah Khomeini to fight in the Iran–Iraq war voluntarily. As of October 2009 Mohammad Reza Naqdi commander of the Basij said “The force has often been present and reacting against the widespread protests which occurred immediately after the 2009 Iranian presidential election and in the months following”. In theory the Basij are banned from involvement in politics by the Iranian constitution, but its leadership is considered active, particularly during and after the 2005 election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. – WikiPedia


Source: Firat News Agency
Translated: Rojhelat.Info