Russian Foreign Secretary: Participation necessity of Kurds in Geneva II Conference

Foreign Minister of Russia - Sergey Lavrov

RUSSIA, ─ Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Lavrov said that the Kurdish Supreme Council and Syrian Coordinating of Patriot Council must be present on second meeting of Geneva.

In this regard, Lavrov spoke with his state TV, announced that the Syrian opposition does not include only people from abroad but Kurds should be attend in the conference as well.

Russian foreign secretary underlined that the Syrian government is ready to participate in Geneva II Conference. Several parties are trying to put obstacles; some other also says to opposition “We will attend in condition of Asad Regime dismissal, if you do not agree we will do our agenda” Lavrov stated.

Foreign Minister remarked that military action against Syrian regime will have not on results and this will worsen the situations. He pointed the examples of Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan for this purpose.

Sergey Lavrof declared that he will convince the US foreign secretary John Kerry to attend of Syrian opposition in Geneva II Conference.

In connection with participation of Kurds Lavrov acknowledged “it is important to be opposition out of current Syrian opponents. Among them Kurds are the most important. They are trying to have their representative at meetings, stay on the Syrian borders and negotiate in search of their autonomy (Democratic Confederalism) in summits. Apart from it, we have to talk about contribution of others as well.