Al-Nusra rebels killed another child


Serekani – A 10 year old child named “Shirin Teqreq” , who got wounded within the bombardment of Al-Qaida affiliated armed groups, lost her life yesterday. In the same attack Shirin’s sister “Nalin” also lost her life.

Shirin Teqreq who was wounded on the 22nd July as a result of bombardment of Al-Qaida affiliated armed groups, after six days lost her life. Shirin had received treatment in the general hospital of Qamishlo and regardless of all attempts for saving her life she passed away yesterday. Her body will be buried in the graveyard of “Martyr Rostem Cudi” in the village of “Berkevir”.

It must be mentioned on 22nd July the Al-Qaida affiliated armed groups bombarded the Serekani city. In this bombardment a bomb hit near the “Hacer Mosque” in the way of “Heseke” and as a result of that an 11 years old child named “Nalin Teqreq” lost her life and her sister “Shirin Teqreq” and two other children had been wounded severely.