PJAK celebrated its 9th anniversary of foundation with attendance of other Kurdish parties in Qendil

Qendil 2013

The Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) was founded in 2004 as a Kurdish party that tries to democratize Iran by struggling against the Islamic Republic of Iran regime in eastern Kurdistan. PJAK in its 9th anniversary of foundation with attendance of majority of political parties, civic and political organizations from other parts of Kurdistan, hundreds of Kurdish civilian, families of martyrs of way of freedom, citizens of southern Kurdistan and also some famous artists celebrated its foundation anniversary.

In this celebration many important messages have been read and some famous figures of Kurdistan gave their speech in which they brought up their demands from Kurdish political parties and Iranian regime. All attended organizations and political parties show their support for PJAK with their messages and speeches and congratulated its foundation anniversary.

This ceremony has begun with one minute silence in respect of martyrs of way of freedom and chanting of national anthem of “Ey Reqib”. Later “Rezan Cawid” whom represented the coordination of PJAK read his message in which he asked all political parties and forces of Kurdistan to step forward for holding a national congress, and he also mentioned as a PJAK they are ready to fulfill their duties.

Eastern Kurdistan is in its toughest historical stage

Comrade “Rezan Cawid” in continuing of his message pointed out the current situation of eastern Kurdistan and mentioned right now in this part of our homeland Kurdish nation is struggling while they are in their toughest financial, social and political situation. He added: “Kurdish nation in eastern Kurdistan despite of facing all those oppressions and bad situations which were results of Iranian regime policy, in the past 30 years they improved the level of their struggling up to an acceptable level especially after the 2011 resistance of guerillas in Qendil and cease fire stage majority of their activities were based on intellectual, political and diplomatic activities and gained some improved”. He also mentioned this year’s Newroz in eastern Kurdistan was celebrated despite of apparent and hidden threats of Iranian regime which proves this claim.

Southern Kurdistan has not left other parts of Kurdistan alone

Comrade Cawid in other part of PJAK message emphasized that southern Kurdistan which includes our nation there, political forces and civic organizations supported Kurdish nation, political forces and parties of other parts of Kurdistan and never left them alone and played the role of complement of this stage.

He also pointed the role and struggle of some of political parties and said: “especially to reach the current stage all parties were active. Especially we thank the efforts of “Celal Tallebanî”  (Mam Celal) and we are hoping he gain his health as soon as possible and play his role in the Kurdish political arena once again.” He also added all of these partnerships and efforts are signs of greatness of Kurdish nation in the Middle East.

No force cannot ignore the Kurdish nation

Coordination of PJAK also mentioned that Kurdish nation is in such a level nowadays that no force once again can ignore this nation in new shaping of the Middle East. He also reminded that Kurdish nation should know they are part of the region’s balance and find a place for themselves in the democratizing project of the Middle East.

Iran answers the rightful demands with execution and massacre

Comrade “Rezan Cawid” also mentioned: “while after the uprising of Kurdish nation in southern Kurdistan there is a historical achievement, in western Kurdistan also Kurds are getting better situation, and in northern Kurdistan the peace and finding solution stage of Kurdish cause has been started but in eastern Kurdistan regime of Iran with arresting, execution, imprisonment, and torturing answers the rightful demands of Kurdish nation and it is the only government that insist on confiscation of all rights of Kurdish nation in its highest level. Especially forbidding ceremonies like Newroz (Kurdish New Year) and arresting huge number of journalists, intellectuals, and Kurdish civic activists proving this claim.

We support those who have democratic project

In continuing of PJAK message while pointing the presidential election of Iran, noting that the problems must be solved with peaceful solutions; it also saying: “Presidential election in Iran is a good chance for establishing peace and starting the democratization stage and this chance should not be lost.

It also pointing on project and terms of PJAK for the election and saying: “Candidates should clearly announce their projects and positions in direction of democratization of Iran and solving the problems of nations, minorities, cultures, women, youths, and other religions and also come up with a democratic solution. We as PJAK and Kurdish nation support those candidates that have such democratic and political project and programs, and in other case if candidates trying to continue the policies of denial, elimination, and suppression, we and our nation do not find the election legitimate.

The message of PJAK for political parties of eastern Kurdistan

Comrade Cawid added: “We as PJAK believe that there is an appropriate atmosphere in which we can improve the mutual, healthy and positive understanding. Step by step we can move towards strength of the struggle lines of our nation in eastern Kurdistan. Each political party should have a good understanding of sensitivity of the current situation. Everyone should know that our current situation needs bigger, more effective and practical steps for realization of national unity for our nation”

Foundation of PJAK Necessity

The Kurdish politician “Muhemmed Amin Pencweni” while pointing on the importance of PJAK in his speech and mentioned that PJAK in eastern Kurdistan started modern and devoted struggles. He added: “at the beginning of foundation of PJAK many politicians and political parties were saying: “there are a lot of political parties in eastern Kurdistan and there is no need for existence of PJAK”. Me as an intellectual person from far I was following the struggle and resistance of PJAK. PJAK in respond to that statement gave a short and strong answer which is after the collapse of Shah regime and coming to the power of Islamic regime of Iran, a huge part of eastern Kurdistan was under the control of Kurdish political parties. For a short period of time they extended their political, social, and intellectual activities. The government also ruled some areas and cities. The spirit of “Republic of Kurdistan (Mehabad)” and patriotism become alive once and went to the hearts of Kurdish nation in eastern Kurdistan, but unfortunately after a short period of time all those hopes and dreams gone. The regime attacked eastern Kurdistan and captured those areas.

Pencweni in continuing of his speech said: “during that period there was huge disappointment all over eastern Kurdistan, political and intellectual vacuity were obvious, therefore there was a need for a political force with a new revolutionary spirit and style to enter the field of struggle. As a result numbers of patriotic youths of eastern Kurdistan that had a friendly relationship with “PKK” improved their activities and made an alternative in guerilla ranks in order to overcome the disappointments of Kurdish nation and improving the spirit and spiritual of our nation in that part of (eastern) Kurdistan.

Pencweni also pointed out the solving stage of Kurdish cause in northern Kurdistan, explained that all other parts of Kurdistan should support this stage. He added: “because if northern Kurdistan gains its freedom, it will affect all other parts of Kurdistan and sooner the Kurdish nation with gain their rights and freedom.”

With freedom of Ocalan we will go through several stages

Another speaker of the PJAK ceremony was the Kurdish politician of eastern Kurdistan “Ali Kerimi”. While he mentioned the situation of Kurdish political parties said no more Kurdish political parties are like before. He added: “several time during different periods of time there were chances for Kurdish nation, and nowadays also there is a vital chance for Kurds, therefore we should treat it with sensitivity and caution.

Kerimi also reminded that he sincerely and devotionally hopes Ocalan be free. He said: “I am certainly sure that with freedom of Ocalan we go through several steps and stages all at once. Nowadays the developments are occurring globally. Kurdish political parties are having a modern mentality; therefore we should use this chance wisely. The current developments in northern Kurdistan are important for Kurdish nation. All parts of Kurdistan should show their determined support for these developments.”

During his call for Kurdish nation he added: “Today is the day of struggle. We should improve our struggle hand in hand. In relation to the elections of Iranian regime we should have the same thoughts and jointly struggle. We know that there is not any benefit for Kurdish nation in these elections. At the end once again I will celebrate the foundation anniversary of PJAK to all Kurdish guerillas and especially guerillas of PJAK. Once again I will emphasis that our nation for freedom of Mr. Ocalan can take important steps and by going through several stages go towards freedom.

The only solution is the national unity of Kurds

Representative and member of “Democratic Union Party” (PYD) in western Kurdistan “Cefer Hanan” also gave a speech in the ceremony and said: “First I will give you the best wishes of Kurdish nation in western Kurdistan”, he added: “it is obvious that the only solution is the unity of Kurdish nation. With national unity and union of Kurdish political parties despite of all intellectual differences we can reach a level of struggle, therefore we continue our struggle for establishment of Democratic Confederation”.

He also mentioned: “the political parties of eastern Kurdistan should take each other’s hand and as soon as possible spread the struggle in its higher level”.

Conspiracy against Kurds still is continuing

The representative and member of “Kurdish National Congress” (KNK) “Dr Kamran Berwari” also gave his speech and while pointing to the historical message of Kurdish national leader “Abdullah Ocalan”, said: “the message of Kurdish national leader is very important. It is a national and philosophical message. Sometimes ago we, as KNK gave a request for holding the national congress. Right now realization of national unity is more vital for Kurdish nation than anything else”.

Berwari in continuing of his speech asked United States to end their enmity with Kurdish nation and added: “especially once again we condemn the arresting and holding into custody of “Adem Ozun”. Kurdish nation must know it very well that we did not end our struggle, but we started a modern stage of struggles, and it must be clear too that conspiracy against Kurds is still continuing”.

After the speeches the messages of “Union of Communities in Kurdistan” (KCK), KJB, PKK, and many other parties and organizations of four parts of Kurdistan were read. Later by performing musical groups such as “Evindar group, Youths of Qendil and Besitun” and singers like “Necmedin Xulami, Kali Ateshi, Herish Hewrami, and Jelal Kirmashani” and also folklore group the ceremony splendidly continued.

Famous personalities that attended this ceremony were: Abdullah Muhemmed Emin, Muhemmed Emin Pencweni, Ali Kerimi, Sheikh Abdulrahman Naqshbendi, Ako Axa, Siyamend Moeini, Muhemmed Wetman.