Karaylan: We are ready for war but we want peace


ANF — One of the main newspapers of Egypt “Egypt Independent” visited Qendil and had an interview with the leader of leading group of “Union of Communities in Kurdistan” (KCK) Murad Karaylan.

Editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Al-Sayid Abdulfatah” has done the interview and the summary of the interview was published in the newspaper today; the detailed interview will be published in coming days. In the interview he is pointing that PKK has announced cease fire against Turkey in response to the peace message of their leader “Ocalan”.

In the news it is mentioned that Karaylan is warning Turkey to positively deals with their leader “Abdullah Ocalan’s” peace process and prepare the requirements.

Karaylan in the interview is saying still we have doubt about the AKP’s will about the peace but we insist that the Turkish society want peace.

The newspaper pointing a saying of Karaylan which saying: “we know Turkey has crisis and need the peace, but we also know that AKP that has the government in Turkey will extend the peace process and cease fire without finding any true solution for the problem”.

Karaylan denying any sort of withdrawal of their forces and stressed still it is not the time for that; he also mentioned: “if during the cease fire our forces face any kind of attack, they have right of self-defense”.

Karaylan saying: “Right now we are in our most powerful situation and we are ready for war, but we want peace, we understood Turkey failed to destroy PKK by military operations during 35 years, that is why for co-existence of nations we ask them for keeping the peace, solving the Kurdish problem and democratization of Turkey are tightly related to each other.

Karaylan also criticizing Arab countries in relation to Kurdish cause and saying these countries are busy with their internal affairs and they keep their distance from important issues of the region. Meanwhile the newspaper from Karaylan is saying that PKK does not struggle only for Kurds and Kurdish cause, but their struggle is for democracy, freedom and peaceful life for all nations in the region.

Regarding the situation in Egypt Karaylan told the editor-in-chief of Egypt Independent that: “until now Egypt is in the stage of revolt and still it did not reach the stage of peace, the uprising is continuing and we hope the nation of Egypt achieve their goals of upraising and enter the new stage, accomplish their goals and demands which they started revolt for them”.

About the current system of Egypt also said: “we have not seen any positive or negative position from them in regard to situation of Kurds and regional issues”.

He also criticized the Muslim Brotherhood that trying to monopolize the power and said: “we were hoping that the new government after the revolt will be different but until now it has not happened”.

At the end he asked the Egypt opposition to help each other for defending democracy, freedom and rights of nations and free life.


Source: Firat News Agency (so.firatajans.com)
Translated By: Rojhelat.info