Tag: news

  • Details of Öcalan’s meeting with his brother in Imrali

    Mehmet Öcalan spoke to Firat News Agency, ANF regarding the messages given by his brother, Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan, whom he met on September 11 after months of ban on communication within the scope of the isolation imposed upon him in line with pro-war policies pursued by the AKP / Palace against the Kurds. Mehmet…

  • Swedish Migration Court has decided to return Kurdish journalist to Iran

    Swedish Migration Court has decided that Kurdish journalist Kamran Mirzaian will be deported to Iran. Mirzaian fears for his life if he is forced to return. “I will be executed or tortured to death.” said Kamran Mirzaian. The Kurdish journalist and activist Kamran Mirzaian came to Sweden in 2014. In Iran, he has worked as a journalist…

  • Documentary on YPJ who rewrote the history of women: ANF

    With the Rojava revolution, the Kurdish women organized themselves in the self defense area as well as social, diplomatic and economic spheres. Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) was developed in the Rojava revolution, became an effective force in all three cantons and answered the attacks from the outside as the authentic women’s organisation. Women organising in…

  • Iran’s military operations in the border region between Rojhelat and Bakur

    Iranian military forces on the border between Rojhelat (eastern Kurdistan) and Bakur (northern Kurdistan) began military activities. According to local sources Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC; Sepahe Pasdaran) in borders between Rojhelat and Şemslî village located in Colemêrg province of Bakur started military operations widely. On other hand the Counter-Guerrilla forces linked to Sepah (IRGC)…

  • Women of Rojhelat have been provoked by the misogynist words of PDKI peshmargas

    A group of women from Rojhelat in a statement strongly condemned the irreverent and complex words of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) peshmargas regarding female guerrillas and requested women of other political parties of Rojhelat to take stance. In their statement they criticized the initial nationalist thoughts of classic movements and their attitude towards women…

  • Duran Kalkan: Peoples and democracy forces must protect their will

    PKK Executive Council Member Duran Kalkan evaluated the current developments in Kurdistan for MED NÛÇE TV, which was translated by ANF English service below: How do you evaluate the struggle for Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s freedom and against increasing pressures in Kurdistan and other parts of the world? Now the resistances to break the…

  • Abdullah Öcalan: The issue will be resolved in 6 months if the state wants

    Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan, barred from meeting with his lawyers since July 2011, and his family since April 2015, met with his brother Mehmet Öcalan yesterday. Mehmet Öcalan came to DBP Amed headquarters and got together with the Amed Hunger Strike Activists. The activists arrived in the Vedat Aydın Conference Hall with chants of…

  • 37th anniversary of the Gharna massacre

    August 19, 1979 was the day that Khomeini announced Jihad against Kurdish people in Rojhelat (eastern Kurdistan). Two weeks later on 2nd September 1979 the village of Qarna (Gharna) 5km from Nexede (Naghada) experienced a genocide which will never be forgotten in the history. August 19, 1979 when Kurdish people were struggling for freedom, the…

  • Urgent Call for Kobane: The Turkish military is attacking Kurdish civilians in Kobane

    The civilians in Kobane started a peaceful protest on the Turkey-Kobane border on the 24th of August when Turkey started to build a cement wall and commenced the invasion of Jerablus in north Syria. Today at 9:30 am local time, when the people again returned to the border to continue their peaceful protest, the Turkish…

  • KNK: Turkish state enmity to the Kurds continues

    The purpose of the Turkish states’ intervention in Syria is not to attack ISIS, but to destroy the gains made by the Kurds and other groups, in order to further destabilize Syria. On 24 August 2016, the Turkish state occupied the city of Jarablus, North Syria under the pretense of fighting ISIS. The timing of…

  • PJAK: We would have our own position and reaction to Hasakah war

    A member of PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan) assembly explains the position and reaction of PJAK regarding the attacks of Syrian regime forces on Hasakah in cooperation with Iran and Turkey. He said they will not stay silent, and added that several Kurdish parties are being used as tools in the hands of Kurdistan’s…

  • The rise of executions in Iran

      This summer, the new wave of executions has been severe and continuing evidence of the crimes of the Iranian regime. The execution of Sunni prisoners to the execution of Shahram Amiri (a nuclear scientist who disappeared from Iran during 2009–2010 under disputed circumstances, and was subsequently executed by Iran in August 2016). All these executions…

  • Support for Öcalan’s freedom and autonomy at 16th World Social Forum

    The 16th World Social Forum was held in Montreal, Canada this year. Europe Kurdish Women’s Movement, Rojava Free Women’s Foundation, Montreal Kurdish Women’s Assembly, HDP MPs Selma Irmak and Hişyar Özsoy and NGOs attended the forum. In seminars held in the forum for a week, topics such as the Kurdish women’s struggle, Jineology, democratic confederalism,…

  • KJAR’s statement on 15 August’s anniversary

    The road to freedom that our leader, Abdullah Öcalan, and our martyrs gifted us was like a resurrection to us, 32 grueling years has now passed. The difficulties of these 32 years but with the color of hope, a future of freedom harboring in his arms. Our people even to this day stood up for…

  • ROJ NEWS reporter murdered in Duhok

    The body of Wedad Hisên Elî, who had been kidnapped in Duhok’s Malta neighborhood this morning, was found in the district of Sêmêlê. According to ROJ NEWS, Hisên Elî’s body was found on the Sêmêlê road today around 12:30. Wedad Hisên Elî had begun working for ROJ NEWS recently. ROJ NEWS: Our reporter had been threatened by the KDP…

  • A new initiative for freedom of Abdullah Öcalan

    A new initiative has been set up by trade unions GMB and Unite and other trade union supporters to campaign for the release of Abdullah Öcalan, the chief spokesperson of the Kurdish Freedom Movement, the strategist and advocate of a democratic and peaceful solution to the Kurdish question, from his imprisonment by the Turkish authorities.…

  • TEV-DEM condemns executions in Iran

    ANHA ─ The Executive Body of the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) condemned the mass executions committed by the Iranian authorities against 21 Kurdish politicians, calling the UN to move immediately to stop the imminent implementation of convictions against some Iranian democratic activists including Kurds. The Executive Body of the Democratic Society Movement released a statement…

  • Kurdish political prisoner Mohammad Abdullahi executed in Iran

    According to Kurdistan Human Rights Network, Iranian regime executed Kurdish political prisoner Mohammad Abdullahi and five other prisoners charged with drug traffic after transferring them to cells in Ûrmiye prison Tuesday morning. The names of the five prisoners are reported to be Kamuran Pûrreft (Pîranşar), Tewhîd Pûrmehdî (Ûrmiye), Emîr Ezîzî, Cehangîr Rezevîzade (Ûrmiye) and Cebreîl Kenanî…

  • Iran’s security forces prevent bike riding for women in Merîwan

    KHRN ─ Locals in the Kurdish city of Merîwan have protested how the Iranian security forces tried to prevent women from participating in a weekly public environmental awareness activity. Riding bicycles as an environmental awareness campaign usually takes place on Thursdays across Iran. Women and men of all ages together begun to take part in the campaign’s…

  • Amnesty International: Hanging of teenager in Iran shows authorities’ brazen disregard for international law

    Amnesty International has revealed that a teenager was executed in Iran after being convicted of the rape of another boy, the first confirmed execution of a juvenile offender in the country this year. The organization, which has been carrying out extensive research into the situation of juvenile offenders on death row in Iran, found that Hassan…