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Konferansa Iran u Kurd - Ala PJAK


While we hold this conference, in the Middle East the political process trend involved in World War III has increased. Now both crises and opportunities to escape show their faces more than ever. New Middle East as a result of various social-political forces conflicts goes to a new form. In the meantime, because of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s supremacy approaches, Interventionist program of forces of the world capitalism and the movements of democratic forces spectrum in Iran this country increasingly becomes the focus of the hot changes in the Middle East.

Exactly at this time, the formation of a democratic space for debate on social-political issues in Iran, in particular acute issues of identity and variations peoples living in Iran, have historic significance. Because if there is such a space that can be designed with different ideas and strategies, can take serious steps to escape from this crisis and difficult issues. Holding such a conference is actually known as a trying to shape the democratic space for dialogue and debate, and we believe that it could open new doors for us. In brief comments to the situation of Iran we observe that all liberal democratic forces, including the Kurdish, Arabs, Baluchis, Azeris and other peoples, oppressed religious diversity, such as Yaresan, Baha’i, Christian, Zoroastrian, as well as various forces and left socialist, feminist, anarchists and all the social and political spectrum who calling for freedom, equality and democracy, are facing with the most severe security policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Lack of the necessary integration by which all the forces of every nation, culture and belief of Iran brought together only opens the Islamic Republic hand to deal with the acute social-political issues in a one-sided and exploitative way. The result is a situation which the people of Iran are grappling with. Cultural genocide of the peoples, the lack of freedom of expression and organization, execution of political prisoners, the government unleashed terror against society, particularly against the peoples resistance, is a condition in which the Iranian people are facing nowadays.

If we want to have a deep approach of the roots of the Iran’s people issues and many such phenomena, we must have a correct reading of the global system and the nature of it. Because Iran is a “component” which only in the framework of the “whole” world system is understandable. It is obvious that our era has been marked by capitalism system. The global capitalist system made its ruling in all spheres of public life, but such a situation does not mean it is invincible. Reasons to conclude any struggle against the tyranny of government in recent hundred years can be summed up in a few cases:

  1. Stressor effects of nationalism and war which only has served to the policy of “divide and rule” of imperialist forces.
  2. The body of social and political movements always have played a major role in the promotion of democratic and liberation struggles, but most of the time, they remain defenseless without defense mechanisms against central government and have been suppressed.
  3. The lack of an alternative model in which the community itself to be a political activist and get rid of being attached to power-oriented and governmental streams. As much as a nation-state which is a monopoly system, has always been sacredness and excellence, the society has been stripped away of management of itself.
  4. To assume dangerous any kind of democratic and identity-seeking movements by the central government and the many Iranian opposition who their baseline is nationalism. However, democratic and identity-seeking forces the Iran’s people, including Kurds, Arabs, Baluchs, Azeris, Turkmens, Gilaks, Mazens, and etc. form local democracy field and can open the way of democratic politics in Iran.
  5. Direct attacks by the Islamic Republic of Iran to remove the left of the political environment were in line with the liberalism against the idea of socialism. Liberalism by promoting this false idea that individual rights and liberal democracy can resolve acute social problems, has tried to weaken or eliminate the socialist movement. While the social democratic model, has a socialist nature. It is obvious that the model of democracy in which are balanced the individual and the society is needed because it considers the individual and the society are complementary and without the existence and freedom of one of them the existence and freedom of the other one is impossible.
  6. The nature of every state-nation, especially the central government of Iran is strongly patriarchal. Although women have participated in social and political movements, but their position is not appropriate. A model of democracy in which women are not active and thinker activist cannot be considered as a perfect democracy and solution. A radical democracy that wants to solve acute social and political issues of Iran have to be free of class and gender orientation.


We as PJAK, offer an alternative model for the solution of problems of the people of Iran. This alternative model is theoretically based on the theme of “democratic nation” and has a confederate democratic structure. The practical appearance of this model is the system of democratic and free society in East of Kurdistan (KODAR) that PJAK After a decade of fighting experience scouts for its establishment and now is continuing its activities to improve democracy and freedom in East of Kurdistan and Iran under the (KODAR).

Central state-nation in Iran has always tried to reduce the numerous variations of ethnic, religious and cultural identities broad spectrum of ideological and political groups to <> by pressure and suppress, and places all of them in one-nation structure. This one-nation structure can be called “nation-state”. A nation that has been processed within the central government, its political will is lost and has no internal management power. Democratic nation that we consider as an alternative is a non-governmental nation which is made up of social diversity and social and every spectrum and diversity of society has self-management power. Democratic Confederalism is a form of political management which is created by the democratic nation.

Democratic confederalism is a wide umbrella for the convergence of all civil society, community groups and individuals who voluntarily come together on the basis of solidarity mentality on the values of freedom and equality. We define this freedom and equality based on the respect for differences. We consider any differences in cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic as richness and a valuable factor to promoting democracy. This is what the oppressed people of Iran need it. These people for years have the wound of assimilation, denial, destruction of cultural and lack of political status on their bodies. We consider the radical democracy of the people as the healing of these wounds and suffers. Against the firm centralization of government which always considers societies and multi identity civilian as an <> to marginalize, assimilate and eliminate, democratic confederalism model offers free, equal and voluntary participation to everyone. This model is an efficient and optimal system for the coexistence of different cultures and social identities that together have spent thousands of years and also have a lot in common. For a governmental nation that has been weak by Iran’s despotic government, the formation of the community of democratic nations gives this power to enable the self-management of all innate variety. Against the Iran’s people suspension of civil, political, social, cultural, economic and intrinsic defense rights, we believe that the status of democratic self-management of this people can put their existence and freedom under warranty. We propose two methods to achieve this model:

  1. Democratic solution to the problems of the people of Iran through the political opening to achieve to democratic constitution in which the “democratic self-management” status for the people of Iran has formally accepted. There is no other way by which multinational society of Iran and central government could exist under one political roof. In this context, we have said that if the government wants to solve the Kurdish problem peacefully, acceptance of the democratic self-management status for East Kurdistan Kurdish, is a condition cannot be ignored.
    Undoubtedly, the insistence of the government of Iran to continue centralism and firm construction of nation-state and inflexibility in dealing with the problems of the people means insisting on the unresolved the issues.
  2. If the central government insists on to get unresolved the issues of the people, we know the establishment of a one-side democratic self-management as a legitimate right of every people and nation. Democratic self-management exactly is the implementation of the principle of “The right of nations to self-determination in their own hands” through a democratic and non-governmental way. In this case, the inherent self-defense against attacks by the government will be applied. According to cultural context and social-historical structure in different regions of Iran, the cantons model or democratic states could be an example and the Democratic Union could be formed between them.

It is important to be prepared for both of the above that are the democratic approach to solve the problems. According to PJAK, the political awareness of Iranian people is so that to implement such a solution by movements, organizations and parties. We will run the democratic nations’ method within the framework of KODAR in East Kurdistan and propose such a model for other people of Iran. We know this model as an alternative model and we believe that insisting on traditional and nationalist methods, will only harm the people. Our democratic nation solution, has an open and receptive view of all varieties and identities. This character can be institutionalized in the Iranian people’s movements. We believe that to achieve the transition from the current distribution to the necessary convergence for democratic campaign, the suitable field could be prepared. Our conference can be the conference of the “Democratic and cooperative House” of the people of Iran and the various ideological and political currents who are active in freedom and democracy field.


While this conference is held that the Middle East is the scene of bloodshed and conflict. So far, neither the forces of the world capitalist nor local conservative nation-state, including Iran have not provided the project and a plan to solve problems and their actions only have led to the acute issues. Crises are getting broader and is needed for a new strategy by which could lead to a radical escape. We call this political strategy “third line”. This means that neither bow to the authoritarian, seeking hegemony and repressive of the nation-state of the Middle East and nor surrendered to the engaging and warmonger policies of capitalist forces. Specifically, we as PJAK base this strategy in East Kurdistan and Iran.

Seeking hegemony in the region leads to the formation of multi state terrorism such as ISIS and wars covered with religious-nationalist attitude that has brought all governments and people into its. In the absence of further democratic solution in Iran, at any time, there is a risk that Iran goes in a situation like Iraq and Syria. Therefore accelerating the democratic movement in Iran is vital.

It is clear that the Islamic Republic by insist on the fascist and anti-people policies which is beyond the borders of Iran, It has become a serious threat to the peoples of Iran and the region. As the only way to deal with multi-state terrorism such as ISIS, is the formation of anti-fascism and the resistance front like Kubani, against the Islamic Republic of Iran’s fascism is to improve the democratic solidarity front of the people. The only antidote to fundamentalism, fascism and tyranny is the “local, regional and global model of democracy”. We believe that the historical reality and the great experience of the political struggles of the people of Iran can bring an example of democracy. Due to the risk of the emergence of new types of ISIS, Hezbollah and other spine of the vicarious war, and occurrence of genocide and tragedy of World War III, should take the opportunity to take a serious step to convergence in democratic struggles. Islamic Republic of Iran has always been trying to make the internal issues invisible including the issues of Kurds, Arabs, Baluchis, Bahai, women and other kinds of issues. Intangibles up its likewise ISIS identity, invisibles its fascist and authoritarian face under the legitimate of the international franchisor diplomacy, And in this way tries to ineffective the opposition and revolutionary forces. In the face of such a situation we call all the political movements of Iran to form a democratic alliance.

PJAK believes that the mentioned democratic model is a sheared umbrella for all the free peoples, including the Kurd, Arab, Baluch, Azeri, Turkmen, Gilaks, Mazen and Persian. This democratic model is a shared home for Yaresans Baha’is, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Sunnis and Shyias. Democratic model we consider is a safe home for Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Sabians and historical identity of Iran, which is under the “minority” are endangered. This democratic model is the historical answer to the freedom demand of Iran’s women. This democratic model is a glorious field to present all the elements of democratic modernity, including the socialists, feminists, ecologists, cultural movements, as well as religious and ideological currents which have Anti-authority and anti-capitalist nature. The model of democratic nations which is proposed by PJAK as a solution is open to pluralism, because it is compatible with democratic politics, therefore, it a variety of civil- political institutions could be fit in it without the problem of differences of race, nationality, religion, language and culture; that means the democratic politics we are believe in gives all of us the unity alongside variety. As the people of Iran, the different identities of everyone will be protected and we will achieve a democratic alliance for a cooperative fighting to resolve our problems.

PJAK believes that to bring to fruition the people’s indefatigable resistance and fighting, the spirit of democratic convergence must firstly be created within the democratic movements and institutions. We believe that the civil-political organizations that are seeking to achieve democratic demands of identities, nationalities and cultures in Iran Must unit their capabilities and opportunities more than ever. Only through such an approach can be out of the crisis, suffering and tragedies that our people have faced and promise to usher in democracy and freedom.

In the end, once again, we mention that our conference is an important step in this transcendental way, and can lead to a new chapter. With this hope, sincere greetings of PJAK Party once again.

Free Life Party of Kurdistan ─ PJAK


Red more about: Final Resolution: Conference on the Crisis in the Middle East, Iran and the Kurds in the European Parliament