Kurdish political prisoner Zeyneb Celaliyan was transferred to Xoy prison

Zeyneb Celaliyan

Zeyneb Celaliyan the Kurdish political prisoner who was transferred about two months ago to the central prison of Xoy from women’s ward of Kirmaşan prison, she suffers from an eye disease, although the Xoy prison doesn’t have any political section, the Campaign in Defence of Civil and Political Prisoners reported.

Kurdish political prisoner Zeyneb Celaliyan from Mako, Rojhelat (East Kurdistan) was arrested in July 2007 by Kirmaşan intelligence and security forces and was sentenced to death on the charge of membership in PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan). But in December 2011 the Supreme Court commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment. She was detained for four months in cell and was severely beaten for confession to the extent that her head was injured. The prison officials were forced to transfer her to the Kirmaşan hospital.

Article 103 of Prisons Regulations ratified in 2005 states: “Head of Prison is responsible for medical care of inmates and should be transferred to the hospital in case of emergency”.

Needed to be mentioned, earlier on a published report by media, reason of vision problems of Zeynab Celaliyan was stated as stroke during interrogation.

Recently Ahmed Shaeed the special reporter on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran was criticized prison conditions in Iran as “extremely poor conditions for all detainees and limited access to sanitation facilities and medical treatment”.

