Human Rights organizations concerns about the execution of two Ahwazi Arab teachers

Iran Execution

Thirteen human rights watchdog, issued a joint statement expressing their concern about the fate of two Ahwazi Arab teachers. The two teachers sentenced to death, have been transferred to an undisclosed location for six weeks before Karoon Prison in Ahwaz and their families are not aware of their exact status.

Hashem Shaabani and Hadi Rashedi, teacher from Ramshir is founder of the cultural organization of “Al Havar” which was established in 2010. They were sentenced to death by Branch 2 of the Ahwaz Revolutionary Court with three other Arabs.

Previously, judicial officials had said the families of those two sentences that death penalty has been carried out but once again they have stated to transfer them to the Ministry of Intelligence detention for extra interrogation. This contradictory information has sparked concern to families and human rights organizations.

To concide with Hashem Shaabani and Hadi Rashedi, three other members of Al-Havar Oranization names Mahammad Ali Amurinejad, Jaber and Mokhtar Alboshooke also have been convicted to death in allegation of “enmity against God, propaganda against the Islamic regime of Iran and acting against national security” by Ahwaz Revolutionary Court – Branch 2.

Recently, 5-Rapporteur of the UN during a joint statement calling on the Iranian regime to stop the execution of five Ahwazi Arab activists, but the government did not respond to this request. Furthermore the signatories called UN Human Rights Council to issue a resolution against mass and secret executions of ethnic and religious minorities which has intensified in Iran.


Source: Firat News Agency
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