Iranian security forces killed one civil and wounded one kolber

Pasdar Kolber

A Kurdish youth was killed by the Iranian forces in the city of Seqiz

Direct firing on Kurdish citizens with the excuse of being suspicious has increased recently and has cost life of several innocent Kurdish citizens. In conjunction to this a Kurdish youth was shot death by the Iranian forces.

According to reports, Kawa Mostefayi from Seqiz was killed by the direct firing from the Iranian troop’s. According to eye witnesses of the incident “Kawa Mostefayi , 24 years old was not committed any crime; there was only argument between him and police officers in which suddenly a police officer fired on him and killed him.”

Not long ago on Thursdays 4th Nov, Evin Osmani was shot to death by the Iranian Regime as she was founded suspicious.

The Iranian shooting guards fire on civil people in Kurdistan without questioning them and having any reasons, and proving something illegal against them.


A Kolber (border couriers) was wounded by the Iranian forces around city of Serdesht

The continuous pressures on Kolbers increases day by day; Instead of improving the economic situation in Kurdistan and introducing new employment opportunities, the Iranian regime kills workers. In conjunction to this, a Kurdish worker (Kolber) was wounded as a result of direct shooting of the regime forces.

According to the news sources in Serdesht, the Iranian border guard’s have shot a Kurdish youth named as Ramyar Ibrahimi from Bijwe village and he has been transferred to Urmiye hospital.

It is reported that Ramyar was shot to his head and is hospitalized in Urmiye hospital in coma which there is no hope for his improvement.

There is a very high unemployment in Kurdistan region as Kurds are not allowed to open their own factories and introducing new jobs. As a result of Kurdistan having borders (artificial borders) with other parts of Kurdistan (which are formally recognized as Turkey and KRG Kurdistan Regional Government), many people are trying to import some goods carrying them by their hands in order to sustain the high living costs. Yet, this is a very dangerous job as they are under direct shoot of Iranian forces and there is risk of being shot to death by the forces on the borders.

In his recent report to the UN General Assembly, UN Special Rapporteur on Iran Ahmed Shaheed highlighted the “indiscriminate killings of Kolbers in violation of the domestic laws and international obligations of Iran.”


Source: Firat News Agency
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