Increasing wave of arrests in Rojhelat


Three Kurdish inmates were sentenced to 6 years
ROJHELAT, HRANA – Huseyn Qadiri and Azad Seqizi from Ciwanro (Javanrud) also Yusef Muradi from Serpêlzahaw (Sarpol-e Zahab) three Sunni Kurdish prisoners who were arrested in the summer 2012 by intelligence troops, were sentenced to two years in jail each by the Tehran Revolutionary Court.

These three Sunni prisoners have been sentenced in allegation of battle through pro-Salafi groups while they were only a religious missionary. Even they have been deprived of the right to counsel during the hearing process, according to HRANA News Agency quoted a reliable source.

The prisoners who were transferred to Rajaei-Shahr prison after bearing six month in cell, while expressing their innocence, have appealed against the verdict.

Arrest and battery of a Mehabad citizen

According to Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), last week intelligence officials of Mehabad have detained “Yones Merufi” a Kurdish citizen from Egriqash (Mehabad functions) while they were beaten him and his family.

Security guards have raided his home without a warrant trough the frightening atmosphere; have accused him via cooperating with the opposition parties of Iranian regime.

While the world powers are engaged to deal on Iran’s nuclear programme, new government come into office of Rouhani has distorted the international circles eyes from the human rights condition in Iran and Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) taking advantage of the “heroic flexibility” policy adopted by Iranian Supreme Leader as smile to outside and suppression to inside.


Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA)