Kurdish political parties react to the travel ban of Salih Muslim to South Kurdistan


The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) have decided to deny PYD (Democratic Union Party) co-chair Salih Muslim entry to South Kurdistan.
Salih Muslim went to Rojava (West Kurdistan) to join the funeral of his son Şervan (who was a member of the YPG, People’s Defense Units) who lost his life in clashes. Salih Muslim was returning to the Kurdistan Federal Region to continue his diplomatic work. Authorities had denied him permission to enter South Kurdistan.


Kurdish political party’s reaction:

Remzi Kartal, President of KONGRA GEL (People’s Congress of Kurdistan)

Remzi Kartal spoke to Sterk TV, he pointed out that the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) denied Salih Muslim permission for entering South Kurdistan because of its alliance with Turkey. Kartal stressed that this attitude was not aimed at Salih Muslim himself alone but also meant being party to the attacks targeting Kurds in Rojava. Kartal said the purpose of this attitude was to prevent Kurds from going to Geneva, adding that, “This is an unacceptable attitude that will harm the common interests of the Kurdish people. The government of Southern Kurdistan cannot evade this responsibility.”


Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) parliamentary group deputy chair Pervin Buldan

Pervin Buldan, who also responded strongly to the KDP, pointed out that this hindrance meant building a barrier to the unity and togetherness of Kurds, and demanded the removal of the obstacles to entering in South Kurdistan. Buldan called attention to the importance of the unity and togetherness of Kurds in the current process, and underlined that Turkey was behind this hindrance.
TEV-DEM executive Huseyin Çaviş also underlined that the prevention of Salih Muslim was not independent from the policies of Turkey against Kurds, adding that the KDP and the AKP government tried to prevent the unity among Kurds but will never achieve this purpose of theirs.


Democratic Society Congress – KCD

KCD issued public statement expressing its dissatisfaction with the travel ban of Salih Muslim to South Kurdistan.
KCD said: “When the Kurds national union has been raised as a critical issue, and Kurds are preparing for National Congress, Salih Muslim’s travel ban is unacceptable and non-rational.”


The Change Movement – GORRAN

Gorran chairman Muhammad Haji said: “It is a wrong position, and the border gates should always be open for West Kurdistan. West Kurdistan is not in a good condition right now, they need help from South Kurdistan. We should not be an obstacle against them, but we have to help them.”


Kurdistan Islamic Union – KIU

The member chief executive of Kurdistan Islamic Union, Khalil Ibrahim in a report from ANF about the PDK’s decision said; an obstacle against Salih Muslim is unsatisfied to us. The south Kurdistan must have a positive rule for other parts of Kurdistan. It is not just for Salih Muslim, it should be open to all patriotism. The status of the south Kurdistan is a result of the Kurdish struggle and achievement of all parts of Kurdistan.


Dr. Mahmoud Othman (Mehmud Osman) member of the Iraqi Parliament

Doctor Mahmoud Othman was hoping that the PDK, PYD and PKK would solve this issue by dialogue. Helping each other from all parts of Kurdistan is necessary. If this problem does not solve in a political fashion, it might result in a bad result.


Azad Jindiani (Azad Cindiyanî), Chief of PUK Central Media Office and Official Spokesman of PUK

Obviously, we were not aware of that decision and we do not know how and who made that decision, was it the government or the non-government? However, we believe that if there is a problem that the government of Kurdistan should attempt to solve the issue immediately. Our door should be open to all parties and political characters from west Kurdistan instead of sanction and banning against them.

Jindiani added that the border between the south and west of Kurdistan must be open not just for Salih Muslim, it should be open for everybody from the west side of Kurdistan, who are working for political purposes and want to have a connection with the south and other countries.

