The Iranian armed forces killed a Kurdish Civilian

Pasdar Kolber

EAST KURDISTAN, BANE — On the weekly basis the Iranian armed forces commit massacre against Kurdish civilians on boarders between the Southern and the Eastern Kurdistan. Islamic armed forces are intentionally as a part of regime’s policies in the Kurdish regions target Kurdish Kolber whom are trading on the border areas to gain their daily expenses. Based on the elements of the crimes against humanity, intentional killing of civilians is a crime against humanity.

According to the news sources a Kurdish man from the city of the Bane has been shot died by the Islamic armed forces on Wednesday the 11th of Septmber while he was trading on the border point of Henge Jale (Hang-e Zhal). The deceased named as Sardar Sharif from the village of the Bayindere in the city of the Bane. The deceased was married and he was the only living source of his family.

According to what the deceased colleagues stated, Sardar Sharif was carring heavy goods on his shoulders and he suffered heart attack at the time he was shot down. In another incident On Monday, September 9 a Kurdish citizen “Semed Cehangiri (Samad Jahangiri)” 35, from Kapik village of Selmas on a main road which almost all villages roads are ending to it while he was driving was targeted by the Iranian revolutionary guards, which as a result lost his life. According to the reports Semed Cehangiri is a father of two children.

In a separate incident on the September 12th 2013 a Kurdish citizen named Yunis from the village of Kani Shilan lost his life in a car crash as a result of the Islamic armed forces intentional shooting. It can be claimed that the intentional killing of the Kurdish Kolbers by the Iranian armed forces in the border areas between the Southern and Eastern Kurdistan is in dramatic increase.

Annually hundreds of the Kurdish civilians are forced to trade goods in border areas between the Eastern Kurdistan and Southern Kurdistan because of the lack of the jobs. Since the foundation of the Islamic regime, the regime has adopted oppressive policies with the aim to force the Kurds to set aside their legal and democratic demands. The regime is purposely increasing unemployment rate in the Kurdish regions with the hope to maintain its power.

Every year hundreds of the Kurdish civilians are killed by the Islamic revolutionary guards or tortured on the border areas. Under the prevention of the entrance of illegal goods and smuggling the Islamic revolutionary guards and security forces committing the most savage crimes against the Kurdish civilians, while at the same time the Islamic revolutionary guards are the key source of the smuggling and very well known for their illegal trade and financial activities. Unfortunately, neither the governmental nor the non-governmental Medias publicize the savage crimes of the Islamic revolutionary guards against the Kurdish civilians.