Intelligence Online: Ankara’s Turkish jihadist brigade

Al Nusra

According to the Intelligence Online, a professional French journal closely following the activities of intelligence services in the world, Ankara established a Kurdish jihadist brigade to fight against the main Syrian Kurdish party PYD (Democratic Union Party).

“To fight the troops of the Syrian Kurdish movement PYD, which is part of the border between Syria and Turkey, Ankara has encouraged the formation of a jihadist brigade composed almost exclusively of Kurds and called Katibat al-Taliban (KaT). The fighters of the movement, mostly young Kurdish penniless receive nearly 1000$ when they engage . They are then sent to fight the PYD on the Turkish-Syrian border alongside the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and jihadists Jabhat al-Nosra. Many of them were killed in late July during an assault in the town of Tell Halaf “, Intelligence Online said.

The Paris-based magazine remarked that “some fighters of KaT are former members of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) converted to Islam in Turkish prisons. Others come from religious schools established in Kurdistan by the followers of Imam Fethullah Gülen. Another Kurdish movement, Kurdish Democratic Party of Syria (Partiya Demokrat a Kurdî li Sûriyê, PDKS), headed by Abdulhakim Bashar and close to the Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani, is also fighting against PYD troops on the borders of Syria, Iraq and Turkey”.

The magazine also pointed out that Turkey openly supports jihadist groups and many brigades of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) who fight the Kurds in Syrian Kurdistan, especially since mid-July. It also reminded that Turkey borders remain open to the jihadists of Al Qaeda who receive military, diplomatic and financial aid via these borders.

“Support of Turkey is even visible to the naked eye, because these “foreign extremists ‘ use Turkish border unmolested, carrying their wounded in Turkish ambulances to hospitals of Riha (Urfa), bring new foreign fighters who are of first housed in hotels in Istanbul before taking the road to Syria with the help of several Islamic organizations close to the government Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Several members of al-Nosra recently confessed in the Kurdish media support of Turkey to fight the Kurds”, it underlined.

The magazine added that “despite the massive support of foreign countries, forehead al-Nosra and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, two affiliated with Al-Qaeda groups, and more than ten brigades of the FSA suffered heavy defeats against the Kurdish fighters in Syrian Kurdistan and Aleppo. More than 1,000 members of the armed groups have been killed since mid-July, dozens of others were captured, and many military vehicles carrying anti-aircraft guns and tanks and so a large amount of weapons were captured by Kurdish fighters”.

Firat News Agency