PJAK: Once Again We Announce Our Support in Creating Temporary Self- Administration in Western Kurdistan


It is clear that Kurdish nation in Western Kurdistan (Rojava) have powerfully struggled for tens of years to achieve their national rights. Especially, in the last 30 years, not only a new struggle has begun in Western Kurdistan (Rojava), but also the people of this part helped the rebellions and movements in other parts of Kurdistan and presented hundreds of martyrs on this path.  In the struggle for liberation of Eastern Kurdistan, leading by our party (Free Life Party of Kurdistan), the first martyr was Newzad Komar, in the personality of our comrades we remember all martyrs of the path of liberation of Kurdistan.

The thirty year struggle of people of Western Kurdistan based on the ideology of Leader Apo and their faithfulness to this way, has been able to highly organize people in this part. This struggle on 19 July 2012 has brought a historical achievement for Kurdish nation. This revolution has become a powerful source, politically and spiritually, for struggle in other parts of Kurdistan. Also, it resulted to the defeat of all anti-Kurds policies in regional and global level.

The resistance of people in Western Kurdistan on the policy and ideology of the third way is based on the independence and brotherhood of nations. On the one hand, it proves that the policy of third way matches with the reality of history of Middle East and on the other hand, it has become a model for the political struggle of other nations in the region.

Free Life Party of Kurdistan congratulates the anniversary of Revolution of 19 July to all Kurdish nation, especially to the people of Western Kurdistan in creating this historic achievement. In addition, we remember and honor the martyr Rostem Cudi and Xebat Derik and all the martyrs that brought us to this day and defended this achievement.

Also, we congratulate the liberation of entire city of Serekaniye in recent days and once again we announce our support to the decision of creating temporary self- administration in Western Kurdistan.


Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK)



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