Attempt for trafficking and selling Kurdish girls to the criminal gangs

doxtar farari

A women trafficking band in Piranshar city is trying to seduce and kidnap Kurdish girls.

According to the news received to NNSROJ during recent days a women trafficking band tried to seduce the underage girls and kidnap them in order to sell them.

Related to this matter an eyewitness told NNSROJ that on Sunday 14th July, five girls aged 14 to 15 years that shortly before the incident were in touch with this band, escaped from home and reached themselves to this band but during the escape one of these girls regreted and ran away from the band.

This teenager girl calls one of her friends and gives her the plate number of the car which her friends were kidnapped with.

According to this report until now three members of this band have been arrested by the security forces and searching for the other member is still continuing.

It is said that this band had decided to move them to Tehran and sell them to the women trafficking bands.