Gulmuhemmedi: Parties of eastern Kurdistan should think about unity


A special and glorious ceremony was held in United Kingdom, city of “Middlesbrough” for two occasions of birthday of leader of Kurdish nation, Abdullah Ocalan, and also “Party of Free Life of Kurdistan” (PJAK) establishment anniversary.

The organization committee of PJAK in UK held a special ceremony to celebrate birthday of Kurdish national leader “Abdullah Ocalan” and the PJAK establishment anniversary.

The ceremony began with a minute of silence to honor the martyrs of Kurdistan liberation and singing the national anthem of “Ey Reqib”. At the beginning of the ceremony some poems related to the ceremony were cited by comrade “Bawan Serdeshti”. After that coordination of PJAK, Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party (PCDK) and some other parties read their messages and congratulated the birthday of Ocalan and anniversary of PJAK establishment to the nation.

Later the Kurdish political activist “Hiwa Gulmuhemmedi” gave a speech in that occasion; at the beginning of his speech he pointed at the position of Kurdish nation in the Middle East and the world and mentioned the sensible political vacuity in eastern Kurdistan and existence necessities are reasons of PJAK establishment. In other part of his speech he talked about the resistance of PJAK political prisoners in 2009 which was a struggle and special event in Iran and eastern Kurdistan and he described it as symbol of Kurdish resistance against the occupiers of Kurdistan.

He mentioned the existence of mentality of cultural and financial transmutation of occupiers is more effective than physical destruction and genocide. He also noted in order to improve national activities there is need for organized forces (nation) which can take out the role of ideology from the tight frames of parties and make them a national force for the Kurdish nation in these stages of solution.

He also asked the parties of eastern Kurdistan to become union and prepare the eastern Kurdistan arena for improving comprehensive activities.

Hiwa Gulmuhemmedi also added: “Eastern Kurdistan is the heart of the Middle East and areas like Luristan, Kirmashan, and Ilam must be clean from the occupier and with the help of their own struggle power gain freedom”. He also mentioned just like nations of Algeria who fought against France, Vietnam against USA and South Africa against Apartheid gained their own independence and proved that there is no power that can overcome the nation power, Kurdish nation must also with their own will and power raise up their level of struggle to the peak.

In relation to the policies of denying and destruction of Iranian regime he said regime of Iran by massacre of Kurdish nation denying the basic rights of this nation and by massacre of tradespeople and Kolbers (people who carry goods across the border on their back) trying to financially put Kurdish nation under the pressure.

About the Newroz gathering in Amed (Diyarbekir) and historical message of Kurdish national leader “Abdullah Ocalan” he pointed the effects of this message on Turkey and the world; he said: “Because of the unique struggle of Guerillas and Kurdish nation in Kurdistan and abroad this historical movement came to existence and forced the Turkish government to ask the Imrali for help for the solution”.

At the end of his speech Gulmuhemmedi said: “when the world was divided between two blocks of socialist Soviet and capitalist United States, it ended shaping borders of the Middle East countries. Superpowers conspiracy was neutralized by the struggles of nations and based on this the “third block” (third power) which is Kurdish nation leading it, will achieve their true rights; the clear example of it, is western Kurdistan in which Kurdish nation by policy of establishing democratic organizations not only they stayed far from war but they achieved historical achievements by organizing nation and defending themselves with the help of the Popular Protection Units (YPG)”.

After his speech he answered to the questions of attendances.

It must be mentioned in continuing of the ceremony the poet “Nariman Bahri” cited and dedicated his poem to the Kurdish national leader “Abudllah Ocalan” and also “Amer” cited an English poem about Kurdish nation and injustices which they face in Kurdistan and Europe.

At the end of the ceremony women attendances lighted some candles and the ceremony was ended with Kurdish music and dance (helperke).