Karayılan: Everybody should play their role for peace

Murat  Karayilan

Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council president Murat Karayılan and member Ronahi Serhat answered journalists’ questions on a program on Nuçe Tv on Wednesday.

We publish some parts of the interview.

How would you summarize the message of Öcalan’s call which closely concerns all Kurds in four parts of Kurdistan as well as the countries in the Middle East region?

He proposes to develop a new line and a new perception in the region and this means the beginning of a new process.
He grounds his proposal on a solution involving both Kurds and Turks, the two larger nations in the region, and the principle of a common life. His perspective which will also lead to the beginning of a new process in the Middle East aims to form a Confederation of Middle East Peoples in the process of time.

Which kind of responsibilities are to be undertaken by the sides involved in the process?

First of all it is important that this proposal is handled and understood fully by the Kurdish side, the Turkish government and the peoples in the region. The proposal by Öcalan is not a tactical but a strategical approach which requires a change in the general mentality. He proposes the replacement of the present division and conflict among peoples with peace and living together. His perspective will eliminate all policies on the Middle East where there currently exists a cruel conflict and bloodshed, mainly in Syria and Iraq, while on the other hand international powers are developing policies over these contradictions. It proposes shaping the Middle East by means of coming up with a solution to the Kurdish question and achieving peace among the peoples in Turkey. His perspective is as a matter of fact a kind of presentation of his long-standing philosophical understanding and it is the single frame that can enable Turkey to make a remarkable move for its existing problems.

What about the withdrawal of armed forces from Turkish territory? It is said that it is time for Kurds to give political struggle following the ending of armed struggle.

This plan involves three stages, the first of which is the ceasefire and withdrawal. As we have stated earlier, the Parliament should also fulfill its responsibilities while we are implementing ours. What we want is not a constitutional arrangement but the establishment of a parliamentary commission to make decisions on the peace process. The parliament’s involvement in the process will also mean the involvement of people and political parties so that the present AKP-oriented narrow approach towards the process can be removed.

The solution process should also be based on legal ground in consideration of the fact that all steps that have been taken in the scope of talks so far are illegal according to Turkish laws, such as the BDP-DTK delegation’s visit to Qendil and the state’s delegation’s meeting with Öcalan. Both processes of Imralı talks and withdrawal need to have a legal basis as this may otherwise be cause for a deadlock in the process.

The time of withdrawal is also related with the time of the government. Seasonal conditions are yet not proper for the withdrawal for which we have started preparations, but without a legal frame. There is a need for the establishment of a monitoring commission and a commission of wise people to answer a number of unanswered questions such as what will happen after the withdrawal and return to villages.

Can you detail the call Öcalan made to everyone for re-building of the law of brotherhood based on freedom and equality?

There is a need for a new constitution to guarantee democracy and equal rights for all peoples and minorities in Turkey. This move requires a rooted change which will also come up with a solution to the Kurdish question and enable a constitutional form for the rights, organization and identity of peoples.


Source: Firat News Agency (en.firatajans.com)