Life brought to standstill in the day of “mass resistance”

NEWSDESK, — In support of the hunger strike launched by the PKK and PAJK prisoners mass demonstrations and marches are being staged today in all Kurdish cities in North Kurdistan and many others with Kurdish population in Turkey.

The Peace and Democracy (BDP) had declared 30 October as “day of resistance” and called on all Kurdish people to bring life in the country to a standstill and to join actions in support of prisoners on hunger strike.

AMED: According to local sources Life has been brought to a standstill in the Kurdish capital city Amed. Almost all shopkeepers have taken down the shutters; mass transportation vehicles don’t provide service, municipality employees not at work and students boycotting schools.

Mass marches are expected in the city in the afternoon when also the BDP is planning to hold its weekly meeting in front of Amed E Type Prison where BDP member politicians are staging a hunger strike for 49 days.

Although the Governor of Amed denied permission for the group meeting there, BDP co-chairs say they are determined to hold the meeting in front of the prison. As thousands of people have already gathered in areas to march to the prison, police forces have intensely surrounded the prison with TOMA (riot control) vehicles and blocked all the ways to the prison. The mass in the district of Baglar was severely attacked when they wanted to continue their march to the prison.

ŞIRNEX: Thousands of people were attacked by police when they started a march in response to BDP’s call for “mass resistance” on the 49th day of the hunger strike by Kurdish political prisoners.

The city has turned into battlefield as people didn’t stop their march despite the brutal police attack with intense tear gas. Clashes have expanded to all neighbourhoods in the city.

COLEMERG: Tens of thousands of people have started a march in Chele district of Colemerg. The march will be followed by a press conference.

WAN: Thousands of people led by BDP Wan provincial organization started a march to F Type Prison where Mayor Bekir Kaya, BDP former provincial chair Cuneyt Caniş, Edremit Mayor Abdulkerim Sayan and 15 other politicians are joining the strike. The city is witnessing the greatest protest action so far as no service is provided by shops and mass transport vehicles and schools are boycotted by students.

ISTANBUL: A number of people have gathered at the Okmeydani which has been surrounded by police forces with panzers and riot control vehicles. The demonstration is also joined by BDP Istanbul MP Sebahat Tuncel and BDP provincial co-chairs Asiye Kolçak and Ali Rıza Bilgili.

MERDIN: Hundreds of people in Merdin’s Nusaybin district were attacked by police when they started a march to the Newroz Square. A person named Burhan Bilgiç was severely wounded when a tear gas hit him on the eye. Clashes between demonstrators and police continue.

KIZILTEPE: Police attacked the hunger strike tent at Mehmet Sincar Park early in the morning. The people were attacked with gas bombs and the tent was seized by police.

MERSIN: Shops have been closed in all densely Kurdish populated districts of the southern province of Mersin where students also boycotted schools in support to the “mass resistance”. Marches are expected in many neighbourhoods in the afternoon. Demonstrators will leave a black wreath in front of the AKP building.

CUKUROVA: The Kurdish people in Cukurova region are also supporting the “mass resistance” with press conferences, marches and sit-in actions. Mass demonstrations are expected in Adana, Ceyhan, Dortyol, Tarsus and Iskenderun in the afternoon.