Tear-gas shot from Helicopters over demonstrators in Amed

AMED, — Demonstrations have been running throughout Kurdistan as well as in some European countries to support the hunger strikers in Turkey’s prisons.

Thousands of PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) and PAJK (Kurdistan Free Women Party) have been on hunger strike for the last 49 days. Some of them are reported to be at critical condition.

Demonstrations were broke out today in Amed, which were responded disproportionally by Turkish police.  Tear gases were shot from helicopters over the demonstrators.

According to the local sources the demonstrators were making their way toward Amed E Prison but they were hindered by police forces in Emek Street.

Turkish police attacked the demonstrators firing tear gases in an effort to disperse the population. A tear gas bomb hid a house which burst it into flame immediately. Fire fighters were sent to distinguish the fire.

In the meantime tear gas was shot from helicopters hovering over demonstrators who were also attacked from the ground by water cannons.

Clashes between the demonstrators and the police forces are currently underway in Nukhet Coshgun, and military armoured vehicles set on the cities.