A Kurd sentenced for singing a song

SINE, — One week after his release, once again a member of the Council of Workers Syndicate was summoned and sentenced for singing a local song, Daye Daye Waxte Cenge.

Eli Neccati a member of the Council of Workers Syndicate, who was released from prison, last week, was summoned by Sine Revolution Court for singing a folk song.

In a trip to countryside of Kurdistan and in an occasion Eli Neccati sang a song, reported the Union for Freedom of Iranian Workers, that regarded by the Revolution Court as endangering the “Iranian national security”.

The report by the Union for Freedom of Iranian Workers pointed that Mr. Neccati sang the song in a guest house where he was invited.

The Revolution Court has deemed the song as a “crime”, for which Neccati was sentenced to prison. He is reported to be released on bail.