Swedish MPs call for referendum in Kurdistan

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, — In a proposal to the Swedish Parliament a group of Swedish MPs from Green Party has called for a referendum to be conducted in North Kurdistan under the supervision of the United Nations.

The Kurdish people should determine their destination by their own hands, maintained the Green deputies in their proposal, urging that a referendum should be held in North Kurdistan to realise the right of Kurdish people to self-determination.

Jabar Amin, Ankika Lilsmts, Lota Hdstron, Walter Mote and Budil Jbalos proposed in their submission a democratic self-rule for the Kurds.

Their submission is designed according to the international regulations embodied in the International Convention on Human Rights approved in 1966.

The Kurdish nation has the natural right to avail of the principle of self-determination endorsed by international laws, stressed the proposal.

Turkey which contains the biggest parts of Kurdistan, has denied the rights of Kurdish people for almost a century, it added.

Kurds are also oppressed in Iran facing their gradual erosion of their national identity. They are deprived of the most basic rights of education in the mother tongue.

Kurds in Syrian were regarded as refugees in their home country by Baath regime for decades. They did not even posses Syrian citizenship. They had no right to travel or own properties.

Kurds in Iraq were subjected to genocide of Helebce in which 5000 civilians were gassed by Saddam Hussein. In Anfal Campaign the Iraqi former despot killed 182,000 Kurds.

The Green deputies lay the burden of solving the Kurdish issue on the shoulders of the occupying powers of Kurdistan, but they also remarked that Swedish government should help.

Their submission is said to be considered in the Swedish Parliament in November.