Osman: US position backs state terrorism against Kurds

mahmud-osmanHEWLER, — In response to the latest statement made by the American Foreign Minister Hillary Clinton against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Kurdish MP to the Iraqi parliament Dr. Mehmud Osman observed that “such a stance would open door for state terrorism against the Kurds.”

Published in his facebook account, Dr. Osman remarked; “Amid talks held in Turkey, the American Foreign Minister Hillary Clinton said the United States agrees with Turkey on its policies against the PKK and chances should not be given to this party to make appearance in Syria.”

Objecting to such a view Dr. Osman outlined that once again the US repeated its stance in the continuation of state terror against the Kurdish people. “The US should have urged Erdogan’s government to find a solution to the Kurdish issue based on dialogue and democratic means,” he ended.