Turkish foreign minister visits South Kurdistan

Ahmad-Daoud-OgloNEWSDESK, — Turkey gets more uncomfortable as Kurdish people in West Kurdistan (north Syria) are making more progress attaining their goals and controlling more cities.

Turkey has been frightened by the possible establishment of Kurdish self-rule area in Syrian and does everything to make the Kurds silent while denying their rights.

Turkish Foreign minister Dawood Oglu is due to visit Hewler to meet with South Kurdistan President Mesud Barzani. Oglu carries a package with 6 point-plan, KNN reports.

Not self-rule area in Syria to be established for Kurds neither any creation on the basis of any ethnicity in Syria, to maintain every possible ways against the PYD control in the north are among the package he presents to Barzani.

PYD (Democratic Union Party) follows the ideology of Abdullah Ocalan, the Kurdish national leader, and as the most powerful organisation of West Kurdistan represents more than 80% of Kurds in this part of Kurdistan.