2 Kurdish political prisoners at risk

NEWSDESK, — Two Kurdish political prisoners, Miss Zeyneb Celaliyan and Remezan Ehmed, are at imminent risk of dying.

The Kurdish prisoner Remezan Ehmed has been on a hunger strike for the last 18 days and his health condition is getting worse and worse. His hunger strike was launched in protest to the situation that he has been in and his deprivation from the very basic political prisoner rights.

Mr Ehmed was taken to hospital with big injuries in his hands and back, some time ago after being in prison for 3 years. Mr Ehmed’s hand has gone under an operation; however, he still suffers from back injuries due to the chunks of mine that are left in his body.

Mr Ehmed is from West of Kurdistan and there is no right for the Iranian regime to imprison and torture someone from another country.

Mrs Celaliyan health is at imminent risk due to malicious tortures she has gone under since her arrest. She has suffered an internal bleeding and is not allowed to be taken to hospital for remedy.