Turk: Kurdish congress to take place in early summer

ahmetturkNEWSDESK, — In an interview with Firat News Agency (ANF), the co-chair of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Ehmed Turk said that the Kurdish national congress is expected to take place in the late June or early July. 

*It is alleged that the congress could be delayed again. Will the conference be held this year?

Following our recent meeting with Mr. Barzani in Ankara, we were asked to determine names to carry out infrastructure works of the conference. Normally, three people are elected from each part to take part in the preparatory commission but we proposed to bring five Turkey Kurds in to represent all Kurdish organizations in Turkey. Our proposal was accepted. The preparatory commission could gather in May and I don’t expect the conference to be delayed once again. The exact date will be determined by the preparatory commission. 

*How do the neighbouring states see the conference?  

The states of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria are discontented about Kurds’ association and their developing a national alliance. The attitude they adopted in the history remains the same. They see the Kurdish association as a threat against their presence and they are using all their relations, especially in economic field, in order to be deterrent. Kurds should be aware of this situation and start a new process in accordance with it. The conference will help to make it be realized that Kurds are one of the most dynamic and significant powers in the Middle East. It is of vital importance for Kurds at four sides to come together and to determine common demands. The Kurdish people should trust their own power in order to ensure a more free future. The formation of a common politics will lead neighbouring states to want to be in dialogue with Kurds who are the only people in the Middle East to have internalized democracy. Similarly, the formation of a unity will lead them to respect the Kurdish people instead of following policies of oppression and intimidation. This more positive approach will also bring a moderate environment where Kurds could be safer. 

*How do the internal dynamics of Kurds see the national unity?

Although Kurds still haven’t ensured an insight that bears complete trust towards each other, the situation is remarkably better than the past. Some political parties give an effort to protect their power and sustaining themselves. To give an example, the PYD is the strongest party of Syrian Kurds but some other parties create a perception as if PYD was spoiling the game. However, this situation could be healed if these parties would develop a truer relation and a common policy with PYD which has the most remarkable supporter base among the people. The policies to be based on at this point should give prominence to the benefits of the people; this is what the DTK expects to happen. 

*Who will attend the conference?

The conference should be attended by all organizations that have an essential position in the society as it will otherwise be a missing gathering which wouldn’t be held rightful by the society. 

*What is the main purpose of the conference?

The conference aims to manifest a common approach based on the demands of Kurds in the four sides. The conference won’t determine but support the demands of each part. To give an example, the demands of Syrian Kurds will be determined by themselves but the conference will support this demand, as if it was the common demand of all Kurds. On the other hand, Kurds in Turkey have demands for Democratic Autonomy, constitutional amendments to protect their identity and mother langue. The conference will hold diplomatic talks and announce these demands to the world by means of a delegation or a committee it will establish. It is out of question to assign different missions to the conference.