MANCHESTER, Britain, — In the second anniversary of the execution Ferzad Kemangir and his comrades a commemoration was held today in Manchester to honour these martyrs.
The commemoration started with chanting of Kurdish national anthem. The declaration of YJRK (Union of East Kurdistan Women) was read by Roqiye Penayi and Bawan Serdeshti in Kurdish and English languages.
Rewan Hewleri a young singer gave a special colour to the gathering by singing a couple of songs in the memory of the martyrs of 9th May.
The attendants also recalled the memory of Dalaho martyrs who were poisoned by the Iranian agents and the local collaborators in the mountain terrains of Dalaho in Kirmashan on 5 May 2010.
The declaration of Kurdistan’s Free Life Party (PJAK) was also red by Shaho Hewrami in which the organisation called upon the Kurds to stand up firm behind their martyrs and in this context which is a ripe time for uprising, Kurds should unite to end the pattern of execution and oppression of the Kurdish people.