PJAK: Execution of Kurdish political prisoners is our red-line

alaye_PJAKQENDIL, Defence Zones of Medya, — In relation to the possible execution of Hebibullah Gulperipur the Coordination of Kurdistan’s Free Life Party (PJAK) released a statement today warning it would take responsive action had the execution carried out.

“As we know the situation of Hebibullah Gupleripur has been unknown for more than a month. He was transferred to Siman prison last month for unknown reason without notification and deprived of family visit. Despite all these pressures, according to our latest information he was taken to the Intelligent Service and informed his execution will be carried out in the next few days. They alerted Hebibullah without notified his lawyer or family. Now he is at the risk of execution,” PJAK statement said.

The statement continues by pointing to Iran’s policies adding that they just deepen the crisis. “Within the last year, the Islamic Republic of Iran continued on escalating its pressure on the Iranian people especially on the Kurds.  Among the policies Iran pursued was execution as a means to threaten and terrorise the society, in particular the youths. A Kurdish, Baluch or Arab youth is victimised for each political game. The regime is very aware of the fact that by execution of people it cannot escape the crisis; contrariwise, it would only deepen instead of providing a solution. With the escalation of pressure, capture and execution in Kurdistan, the people would further stay aloof closing the door for dialogue”.

At the end of the statement PJAK adds; “We boost our campaign shoulder to shoulder with our people in East of Kurdistan. In the case of possible execution of Hebibullah Gulperipur or any political activist, we shall be compelled to respond to the state standing up with the victim. Despite the current situation we shall be forced to re-evaluate our previously stance and opt for variation.”