Human right activists denied visiting Muradis

MuradiKARAJ, — Four human rights activists named as Dr. Aware Qizilci the consultant of Kurdistan Regional Government in Tehran, Mehran Bawend, Xosrew Ze’im and Hemin Fereci went to Rajaeesher prison of Karaj to pursue the legal aspect of Luqman and Zanyar Muradi, but denied visit of them

The human right activists observed, “Although the public prosecutor of Tehran permitted the visit at first, a person identified as Asedollahi, who is reported to be the secretary of Rejaeesher prison didn’t allow to meet with the detainees.”

Luqman and Zanyar were arrested on 17th October 2009 in Meriwan city. After nine months of extensive tortures and mistreatments they were charged with Moharabe (enmity with God) and sentenced to death on 22ndDecember 2010.