Unknown fate after 40 days

husen_kemangirKAMYARAN, — A Kurdish citizen from Shirwane village of Kamyaran city was arrested 40 days ago, no news of his whereabouts is ever being announced.

Husen Kemangir from the village Shirwane of Kamyaran city was arrested by the Iranian Intelligent Service for investigation forty days ago. Nothing about his fate is being disclosed yet.

The family of Kemangir have visited Kamyaran’s Intelligent Service several times and informed that their son is transferred to Rewanser Central Detention.

After being informed of that, they rushed to Rewanser Central Detention in desperation, but they were told their son is held in Kirmashan detention in fact.

Although Kemangir family requested visit repeatedly their demand have been turned down and they are frustrated for not having any news about him.