Pressures increase in Urmiye prison

zindani_urmieURMIYE, East Kurdistan, — Pressure on the Kurdish political prisoners held in Urmiye detention is going beyond limits. To defy such measures a Yarsan (indigenous religion) prisoner has been hunger strike for the last 24 days.

According to our local correspondents another prisoner from Mehabad who is also held in Urmiye detention has been on hunger strike for the last 17 days.

A Yarsan follower identified as Yones Reqayan is one of the hunger strikers who launched his campaign 24 days ago to protest against the ill-treatment of the prison officials.

According to the latest correspondence, Mr Reqyan’s health is grown seriously dreadful.

In the meantime, another Kurdish political prisoner identified as Ceefer Efshari from Mehabad city staged his hunger strike 17 days ago to protest against the unfair verdict imposed on him by Mehabad Court.

According to our local correspondents, Mr Efshari was taken to a solitary confinement in Urmiye prison today, despite his serious health condition due to 17 of fasting.

The other political prisoners including Hebibulla Hulperipur, Eli Ehmed Suleyman, Ehmed Temuyi, Mistefa Eli Ehmed, Cenhangir Badozade, Yosif Kake Memi, and Yosif Rehmanpur were taken to unknown place last Tuesday.

It was found out today that they had been transferred to the office of Intelligence Service of Urmiye city.  They were forced to write repentant letters and appear on TV show expressing their repentant. All the prisoners refused to such demand.

After they refused the demands they were dealt with series of threatening by the intelligent units, and finally transferred to Urmiye prison on Friday.