Luqman and Zanyar execution documents published

MuradiKARAJ, — The Iranian Supreme Council has forwarded the death sentences of Luqman and Zanyar Muradi to the Execution Section of Karaj prison.

The Human Rights activists provided documents confirming the verdict.

According to HRA New Agency, the verdict of the country’s Supreme Council which has not been offered to the defendants yet was infiltrated by the human right activists.

According to the document number one, the political prisoner Luqman Muradi was arrested on 4 August 2009. He was tried on 9 July 2001 and charged with acting against the country’s security, participation in assassination attempts and bringing a trifle from Iraq to the country, and sentenced to death. He is planned to be executed in public in Meriwan city.

According to the document number two, Luqman has been denied family visit and phone conversation since 8th February 2011.

According to document number three, Zanyar Muradi 21 year-old was arrested in 4 August 2009 and with similar charge sentenced to death.

According to document number four, simultaneously with Luqman, Zanyar also denied of family visit and phone conversation.

It should be noted that the prisoners had previously rejected all the accusations and allegations as sheer fabrication by the prison officials. Through the ‘toiling-letters’ they wrote from prison they stated that their confessions were made under appalling tortures.