400 lawyers ready to defend Kurdish national leader

Ocalana-komsu-geliyorISTANBUL, — In a press conference four hundred lawyers protested against the capture of Ocalan’s lawyers and announced they were ready to defend Ocalan.

The lawyers denounced the arrests as illegal since Ocalan’s lawyers had not committed any offense apart from defending their client. 

“The specially authorized courts that are under strict control of the government do not hear our objections. A specially authorized ‘monster’ has been created,” said Ercan Kanar on behalf of the lawyers. 

The lawyers criticized the bar associations for their silence after the arrests. “The Bar of Istanbul and the other bar associations have failed at a historical time like this,” said Ali Saydı. 

Lawyer Mahmut Taşçı commented, “They wreaked revenge on lawyers, journalists, politicians and people when they could not get the results they wanted in the negotiations with Ocalan.”