AMED, — A petition campaign has been launched by Amed’s Bar Association demanding the immediate release of the lawyers of Kurdish national leader Abdullah Ocalan, who were arrested on 22 November.
The collected signatures will be sent to the Turkish Parliament, the Presidency as well as the international institutions.
According to the reports two thousand signatures were collected in the first four days of the campaign which was supported by many segments of the society including workers, doctors, engineers and students.
The campaign text titled as “We condemn the injustice against lawyers who defend justice” says; “36 lawyers were jailed on 22 November 2011 as a result of the greatest attack in the history which targeted the right of defence and lawyers who represent the freedom of legal remedies. We regard this attack as a threat against the legal profession, the right of defence of individuals, law, lawyers and values of justice.”
The petition campaign can be reached from the following address: